In a – maybe not – surprising turn of events on Wednesday, the U.S. Treasury Department changed its tune about ousting Alexander Hamilton from the front of the $10 bill in favor of a woman, and instead will replace Andrew Jackson’s mug on the $20 bill with that of Harriet Tubman, though it will still be years before the new design is released. [More]
alexander hamilton

Groupon On “President” Hamilton: Gotcha! We Did That On Purpose, Haha!
It was fun while we lasted: We had a sneaking suspicion there’s no way Groupon could be so ridiculously idiotic as to think that Alexander Hamilton was ever a U.S. president, and it turns out we were right. The company admitted that the whole Presidents Day deal was a bid for attention. Well, you got it. [via Chicago Tribune with autoplay video] [More]

Groupon Offers Special Presidents Day Deal Featuring Former “President” Alexander Hamilton
Either Groupon is transcending the boundaries of ironic humor by pretending not to know that Alexander Hamilton — the handsomest face on all U.S. currency, in my humble opinion (#cheekbones) — or the company really thinks the first Secretary of the Treasury was a prez: It’s touting a deal that “features President Alexander Hamilton — undeniably one of our greatest presidents.” [More]

New, Gayer, $10 Bill is FABULOUS
Plunking down the paper just got a little more fun with the introduction of the new, swishier, $10 bill yesterday.