If you are planning on flying US Airways, make sure you are either grumpy, perturbed, unhappy, or uncomfortable- anything but ‘angry’. As reader James learned, ‘angry’ people get grounded on a No-Fly list.

Man Chugs Entire Bottle Of Vodka Rather Than Turn It Over To Airport Security
Here’s a bad idea:

Denver International Airport Reassures Passengers That There Have Been "Major Changes"
Last year Denver International airport closed for 45 hours when a blizzard descended on our nation’s 6th largest airport. Now the airport and the airlines that operate there would like you to know that they’ve made a lot of changes.

Delta Airlines Cargo Door Falls Open, Raining Luggage Down On Chicagoland
Delta Flight No. 4718 took off about 9:40 a.m. and was forced to circle back to Midway shortly after takeoff when a pressure problem in the cabin was detected and instruments showed a cargo door had opened during flight, FAA spokeswoman Elizabeth Isham Cory said.

JetBlue Buys You Pizza While You're Fogged In At Portland International Airport
Hey. Flying to JFK from Portland tonight. The flight keeps getting pushed back and the flight tracker on the website is getting updated before the gate agents are. It’s so foggy that it’s difficult to see the ground below the terminal windows, so the situation is obviously out of the agents’ hands. To compensate, they’ve set out several pizzas and bottled water for the waiting passengers. People seem pretty stoked. Might this be a new addition to their customer bill of rights?
Hey, that’s nice! Good job, JetBlue.

First Autopsy Of Deceased US Airways Passenger Inconclusive
The first autopsy of Carol Ann Gotbaum, the woman who died in a Phoenix airport holding cell after being arrested for causing a disturbance, was inconclusive and a second will be performed.

TSA Confiscates Pudding, Misses Knife
Ah, the dangerous liquids ban. We’re all so much safer because of it.

Phoenix Aiport Uses X-ray Strip Search
An X-ray strip search device is being tested starting today at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Passengers selected for secondary screening are given an option of the X-ray, which uses low-dose radiation to see through clothes (with great detail) but not skin, or a pat-down. From CBS4:
Men will view male images and women will view female images, but privacy advocates are concerned that those more detailed, embarrassing images will be stored inside the machine and can be viewed at a later time.

The Car Pool Lane of Airport Security
t possibly have a Nike full of plastique.
Soon, first class may not just refer to where you sit on an airliner, but how you get on board.