
Dear American Airlines Employees: "I Hope That One Day You Find A Good Paying Job With An Employer That Cares About You"

Dear American Airlines Employees: "I Hope That One Day You Find A Good Paying Job With An Employer That Cares About You"

AJ writes in to let us know that he too was lied to by American Airlines. They canceled his flight(s) from Pittsburgh to Austin (by way of Dallas). He called the 1-800 number but was met with a CSR who used “bad weather in Dallas” as an excuse, and told him there was no way to get him to Austin on time.

How to Avoid Airline Baggage Fees

How to Avoid Airline Baggage Fees

The bad news is that because of high fuel costs, United Airlines and US Airways will be following American Airlines in charging a $15 first-bag fee. The even worse news is that most of the remaining airlines will probably follow suit with the exception Southwest who locked in their fuel prices several years ago. Since the airlines are attempting to cash in on baggage fees, SmartMoney offers some tips on how to avoid them. The tips, inside…

Worst Company In America "Elite 8": Wal-Mart VS American Airlines

Worst Company In America "Elite 8": Wal-Mart VS American Airlines

Here’s your third “Elite 8” match-up: #3 Wal-Mart VS #43 American Airlines

Call American Airlines Executive Customer Service

Call American Airlines Executive Customer Service

Two phone numbers for reaching American Airlines Executive Customer Service when normal customer service fails.

United To Require Minimum Stays Starting In October

United To Require Minimum Stays Starting In October

Sorry travelers, as expected, United Airlines will require minimum stays on all flights starting in October. Gone are the halcyon days of jetting away for a business meeting after breakfast with time to spare before returning for dinner. Most United fares will now require a three-night or weekend stay, but it “will depend on the destinations involved, the price of the ticket and the length of the flight.” And, yes, you will still be charged $15 to check your first bag.


Bookmark this: Rick Seaney has created a chart of all the airline fees and promises to keep it updated as the fees change. [Rick Seaney]

United Airlines And Continental Partner Operations

United Airlines And Continental Partner Operations

Fliers Are Officially Fed Up With Crappy Airline Service

Fliers Are Officially Fed Up With Crappy Airline Service

You may be thinking to yourself, “Congratulations, you’ve written the world’s most obvious headline!” And you’d be right, but according to J.D. Power and associates there could be something of a sea change going on in the universe of airline complaints. It seems that crappy customer service may have reached a Gladwellian “tipping point” — more customers are choosing which airline to fly based on factors other than price.

Spirit Airlines Increases Fees For First Checked Bag

Spirit Airlines Increases Fees For First Checked Bag

Spirit Air will raise its fees for checking one bag, according to an email from the airline. On June 20th, Spirit will increase the fee for checking one bag from $10 to $15 if the checked bag is declared online, and from $20 to $25 if it is declared at check in. And Spirit’s belief that any publicity is good publicity continues.

Thirsty? US Airways To Charge $2 For Sodas, Juices, Bottled Water and Coffee in Coach

Thirsty? US Airways To Charge $2 For Sodas, Juices, Bottled Water and Coffee in Coach

First US Airways did away with snacks, then they added a $15 fee to check a bag, and now they’ll be charging $2 each for sodas, juices, bottled water and coffee in coach. Are you going to stand for this? Take our poll, inside.


Yep, you guessed it: US Airways is going to charge $15 for the first checked bag. [Yahoo!] (Thanks, James!)

United Airlines To Charge $15 For  First Checked Bag

United Airlines To Charge $15 For First Checked Bag

You knew it was coming and well, it’s here. United Airlines has announced that they will begin charging $15 for the first checked bag.


As part of an overall effort to save fuel and increase efficiency, airlines are replacing bathroom seats with lighter models. Just kidding, we meant passenger seats. But the first one isn’t that far out of the bounds of reason either. [NYT]


United Airlines is a total disaster! Unless you’re the CEO… [MSNBC](Thanks, Deborah!)

Northwest's Coach Choice Seats Are A Complete Waste Of Money

Northwest's Coach Choice Seats Are A Complete Waste Of Money

Reader Chris wrote in to warn us off Northwest’s “Coach Choice” seat upgrade. On a recent trip, he was offered the opportunity to upgrade to a “Coach Choice” seat for an extra $30 per seat. He eagerly forked over $60 for two upgrades, and was shocked and angry at what that Northwest gave him in return. See what a “Coach Choice” seat means to NWA, inside.


Americans took 41 million fewer flights this past year, and 25% say it was because of the hassles involved, according to a new survey. [CNN]

Continental Says Airline Industry Is "In A Crisis"

Continental Says Airline Industry Is "In A Crisis"

Continental will cut 3,000 jobs and reduce capacity by 11% due to the ongoing “crisis” in the airline industry.

United Airlines Kills Ted

United Airlines Kills Ted

In an effort to stay alive after a 76% surge in jet fuel prices, United Airlines will be discontinuing “TED,” their low-fare mini-airline.