
Lawsuits: American Airlines Loses Wife's Corpse For 4 Days

Lawsuits: American Airlines Loses Wife's Corpse For 4 Days

It’s one thing if American Airlines loses your baggage, but what about your wife’s body? What do you do then? One Brooklyn man was faced with this grim dilemma when he arranged to have his wife’s body flown to their home in Ecuador after she passed away from pelvic cancer. American Airlines lost the body, and it went unrefrigerated for 4 days, according to the New York Post.

United Airlines' Stock Temporarily Wiped Out By Old Bankruptcy Story

United Airlines' Stock Temporarily Wiped Out By Old Bankruptcy Story

UPDATE: Google Placed Wrong Date On UAL Story, Stock Yo-Yo Ensues


The FAA cited three major airlines for safety violations. None of the breaches put people or passengers at risk, said the FAA. [Washington Post]


Continental has added a $15 charge on the first checked bag for some economy-class passengers, effective on tickets bought for travel on or after October 7. [Reuters] (Thanks, CMU_Bueller!)

Update: Orbitz Sent Reader To Collections For Ticket They Never Sold Him

Update: Orbitz Sent Reader To Collections For Ticket They Never Sold Him

Here’s some updates on the post about reader Josh, whom Orbitz wanted to make pay for a ticket they never sold him and he never used. Turns out that between when he sent his original letter to us in February and when we posted it, Orbitz sent him to collections. But now that his story got on here and Digg, Orbitz’s ass-covering machine has been activated…

Backlash: United Drops Plan To Ax Hot Meals On International Flights

Backlash: United Drops Plan To Ax Hot Meals On International Flights

United Airlines said it would listen to feedback from customers about its proposed plan to ax hot meals for coach passengers on international flights… and it did. The company has decided not to go ahead with the plan. Reader Jason forwarded us the following email from Graham Atkinson, United’s Chief Customer Officer.

Orbitz: Pay For Ticket We Never Sold You Or Else

Orbitz: Pay For Ticket We Never Sold You Or Else

UPDATE: Orbitz Sent Reader To Collections For Ticket They Never Sold Him

Morning Deals

Woot: Soundcast Audiocast Wireless Audio System…

The Legroom Party Is Officially Over At Midwest Airlines

The Legroom Party Is Officially Over At Midwest Airlines

Midwest Airlines loyalists, prepare to be upset, the airline is adding 11 seats to its formerly roomy coach section. In addition to converting good seats to less good ones, they’re adding a charge for the remaining quality seats.

Top 3 Most and Least "Fee Crazy" Airlines

Top 3 Most and Least "Fee Crazy" Airlines

Airline fees are a controversial topic these days, so we look a look at the fees that airlines were charging and picked the top 3 most and least “fee crazy” airlines. Avoiding fees is hard, so why not try to avoid the airlines that charge them instead?

Woman Removes Bra To Get Through TSA

Woman Removes Bra To Get Through TSA

Nancy Kates’s large underwire bra set off the metal detector in the Oakland, California airport. A TSA agent pulled her aside and patted her down, which set off Kates’ personal privacy alarm. “I said, ‘You can’t do that.’ She said, ‘We have to pat you down.’ I said, ‘You can’t treat me as a criminal for wearing a bra.'” Kates was given the option to “submit to a pat-down in a private room” or not fly. Instead, she took off her bra and passed through security just fine. Hooray for personal freedom!

EECB Scores $100 Direct Hit On United Airlines

EECB Scores $100 Direct Hit On United Airlines

It took a little negotiating but reader Noah was able to get United Airlines to honor the agreement that their CSR made, despite the fact that it was a violation of some kind of deeply sacred policy.

4 Ways To Cope With Frustrating Airline Cutbacks

4 Ways To Cope With Frustrating Airline Cutbacks

What should you do when your airline calls to let you know that they’ve decided to randomly cancel your flight? Travel guru Christopher Elliott gives us the following nightmare scenario:

Air Canada Cuts Inflatable Life Vests In Order To Save Fuel

Air Canada Cuts Inflatable Life Vests In Order To Save Fuel

Airlines are cutting things like entertainment units, snacks and beverages in order to raise revenue and cut fuel costs, but what about those inflatable life vests? Do we need those? Air Canada’s regional airline “Jazz” doesn’t think so.

AirTran Agent Screams, Curses At Travelers While Supervisor Looks On

AirTran Agent Screams, Curses At Travelers While Supervisor Looks On

Forget about those dowdy old-school Olympics. What we need is an international competition to see which airline can suck the most, since everyone is getting so good at it. In the category of Random Rudeness, this AirTran agent and her equally hostile supervisor would have a good shot at the gold—especially since they aimed their hostility at a honeymooning couple.

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year

Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…

U.S. Airlines Now Charging As Much As $400 To Carry Surfboards

U.S. Airlines Now Charging As Much As $400 To Carry Surfboards

Airlines and surfers must be involved in some secret war, because how else can you explain why airlines are targeting them so savagely right now? Sure, snacks cost us $9, bags are $50 each, and seat belts will probably soon be auctioned off during the preflight check—but if you’re a surfer, you can expect to pay up to $200 each way to bring along your board, pretty much blowing out the budget of any surfer who isn’t Patrick Swayze.

United Airlines Thinks You're Willing To Pay $9 For A Snack

United Airlines Thinks You're Willing To Pay $9 For A Snack

United Airlines is obviously not to familiar with the dollar menu at McDonald’s because they’re convinced that you’ll pay up to $9 for their “Buy-On-Board” snack offerings, says the Wall Street Journal.