Everyone who drinks milk watches the price carefully, but what most consumers don’t realize is that the price actually paid to dairy farmers for raw milk is currently the lowest it’s been in 40 years. That’s because only a few large companies control the country’s milk supply, and now the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the situation and deciding whether to take anti-trust action against them.

Food, Inc. Documentary Now in Theaters
Food, Inc., a new documentary that promises to make you fear your next meal, has opened in a number of cities across the U.S. and Canada.

Monsanto Is Trying To Ban Hormone Labeling At The State Level
Monsanto continues its attempts to hide the basic facts of food production from consumers, this time in Kansas. The Kansas Dairy Association, along with a suspicious “grassroots” dairy group that has the same public relations firm as Monsanto, has helped introduce a bill to the state Senate that would ban “growth hormone-free” milk labels. The bill’s supporters argue that growth hormone can’t be found in lab tests, and if a lab can’t verify it, consumers don’t need to be told about it.