Earlier this year, health insurance giant Aetna was left broken-hearted when its $37 billion merger with Humana fell through because federal antitrust regulators apparently hate to see two mammoth insurers so in love with each other. But in this autumn season, there’s a rare bloom of corporate romance peeking out, as Aetna has reportedly found itself a suitor in the form of CVS Health. [More]

Aetna Accused Of Revealing HIV Medication Use Of 12,000 Customers
Something as minor as an envelope window has landed one of the country’s largest insurance companies in legal hot water. Aetna is being sued for sending out thousands of letters that inadvertently revealed that the recipient has taken medication for the treatment or prevention of HIV. [More]

Aetna Letters Publicly Revealed Patients’ HIV Status
Health insurance giant Aetna recently alerted thousands of policyholders of a change to their pharmacy benefits. Problem is, Aetna sent those letters out in envelopes that revealed that the recipient is HIV positive. [More]

Humana Leaves Exchange, Will Not Sell Individual ACA Health Care Plans For 2018
The challenge of purchasing individual health insurance is about to get even more challenging, with less competition and less choice, for consumers in nearly a dozen states. Humana, one of the four national-level insurers operating in the country, has announced that it’s quitting the marketplace exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act next year. [More]

Aetna And Humana Give Up On Merger Dreams, Agree To Part Ways
Alas, it seems that for two companies this Valentine’s Day brings them a breakup they never wanted: After more than a year of trying, Aetna and Humana have officially called it quits, and given up on their plans to merge into corporate unity. [More]

Aetna And Humana May Appeal Ruling Blocking Their Merger
This week, a federal judge blocked the proposed $37 billion merger of health insurance giants Aetna and Humana, ruling that the two companies would significantly reduce competition in the health care market if they teamed up. Now what are the two companies going to do? They might appeal the ruling. Or not. [More]

Federal Judge Blocks $37 Billion Merger Of Aetna & Humana
Six months after the U.S. Department of Justice and attorneys general from eight states and the District of Columbia sued to stop the merger of insurance giants Aetna and Humana, the federal judge in the case has blocked the deal from moving forward. [More]

Aetna Threatened To Quit State Insurance Exchanges If Humana Merger Was Blocked
In a lawsuit seeking to block the merger of health insurance companies Aetna and Humana, the U.S. Department of Justice cited decreased competition on state individual health insurance exchanges as one reason why the merger shouldn’t happen. [More]

Aetna Quitting Health Insurance Exchanges In 11 States
The basic principle behind the Affordable Care Act was that by requiring all Americans to have health insurance, people would pay for insurance even when they weren’t sick, making the risk pool bigger and letting insurers cover more services and people who are already sick. Insurance companies say that it isn’t working out that way, though. Insurance giant Aetna announced that it will leave individual insurance exchanges in 11 out of the 15 states where it does business. [More]

Justice Dept & 9 States Officially File To Block Anthem/Cigna, Aetna/Humana Mergers
The rumor mill yesterday has been borne out today, as the Department of Justice has officially filed a pair of lawsuits to block the mega-mergers of health insurers Anthem and Cigna. [More]

Report: Justice Dep’t Ready To Block Both Anthem/Cigna And Aetna/Humana Mergers
We closed out 2015 with the health insurance market poised to get a lot smaller, as Anthem proposed to by Cigna and Aetna said it would buy Humana. If both mergers go through, the number of large nationwide health insurance carriers would drop to just three… a big challenge in a U.S. that’s seen the market for health insurance expand since the Affordable Care Act went into effect. And if reports are true, the Justice Department may feel that’s just too much contraction. [More]

Anthem Buying Cigna For $54B In Yet Another Mega Insurance Merger
What a difference a month makes: Just a few weeks ago, Cigna rejected Anthem as a suitor, citing things like the major data breach the company suffered earlier this year and turning down its $47 billion merger bid. It seems Anthem has been busy a-courtin’, as the company announced this morning that it’s reached a deal to buy Cigna for $54 billion, effectively creating an insurance giant. [More]

EA’s Worst Company In America Reign Comes To An End With Loss To Time Warner Cable
Video game giant Electronic Arts stepped into the Worst Company In America nonagon of unpleasantness this morning crowned with two Golden Poos and with the confidence that the tournament’s only two-time winner deserves. But in the end, it wasn’t EA that was carried out of the arena in victory — it was Time Warner Cable. [More]

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket
The above bracket will be updated at the end of each day of WCIA competition to reflect that day’s results.
After going through all of your nominations, then having y’all rank the contenders and eliminate the chaff from the wheat, we’re proud to present the first round match-ups for this year’s Worst Company in America tournament! [More]

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!
After sorting through a mountain of nomination e-mails, we’ve whittled down the field of competitors for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament to 40 bad businesses. Here’s your chance to have your say on how these players will square off in the bracket, and which bubble teams will get left out in the cold. [More]

Hospital Sends Patient To Collections For Bill His Insurance Company Had Already Paid
We understand that hospitals often get patients using the emergency room as a “free” clinic, and that it may be less of a headache to turn unpaid bills over to a collections agency than it is to chase down debtors on your own. But hospitals shouldn’t be tossing patients to the collections lions if the patients’ insurance provider has already paid the bill. [More]