In recent months, we’ve seen a scam aiming to social engineer payroll information out of employees hit well-known companies like Snapchat and Seagate. The fraudsters’ goal is to get employees’ personal information and salary data, and file tax returns to collect refunds under their names. Now the tax scammers have found the ultimate source of payroll data: they’re able to access some companies’ accounts with payroll processing company ADP. [More]

Ginormous Hack Targets 2 Million Accounts Spread Over 93,000 Websites Worldwide
About two million people should be checking your social media accounts and anything else one might have a login and password for: Hackers have snagged usernames and passwords for millions of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and other sites accounts, according to a new report. [More]

Employers Hired 187k Employees In Jan, 47k More Than Expected
Private employers hired 187,000 new employees in January, according to data released today by ADP. This was 47,000 more than economists expected. The number comes in advance of Friday’s Labor Department jobs report. [Marketwatch] [More]

ADP: Unemployed Need To Apply For Program In Which They Were Already Enrolled
One of the programs of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is COBRA Continuation Coverage Assistance. It helps people who have lost their jobs pay the sometimes hefty premiums for continued health insurance coverage, paying 65% of their premium. The program started in February, and Renee was enrolled right away. This month she was billed for her full premium again with no warning.

Former CSR: Was Following Federal Law To Help Someone The Right Thing To Do?
Jason writes in with an ethics question that’s been bothering him for the past seven years: should he have helped a cancer-stricken patient who lost her family in the 9/11 attacks qualify for COBRA coverage? Sure, it sounds like a no-brainer, but it gives us a chance to see the sort of conflicts that gnaw at customer service representatives. Do they follow the rules and keep their jobs, or do the right thing and help the customer? Consider his conundrum, inside…