When Adobe announced that future releases of its Creative Suite software would only be released using a subscription-based model, it was completely unsurprising that 61.2% of Consumerist readers told us in a poll that they’ll switch to Creative Cloud when Adobe pulls CS6 out of their cold, dead hard drives. This week, Creative Cloud’s login outage validated our readers’ point of view. Users were unable to switch computers, log in, start new subscriptions, or add services. Some weren’t able to use their programs at all. [More]
adobe creative cloud

Well, Someone Already Pirated Adobe Photoshop CC
That was fast, and not entirely surprising: even though Adobe Creative Cloud was supposed to make it harder to pirate the world’s most-pirated program, someone did within a day of its release. Yes, there is reportedly already a pirated version that reportedly works. (No, we’re not going to tell you where or how to find it.) [More]

Adobe’s Creative Suite: Now Only For Rent, Not For Sale
“Ahhh…the joys of having a monopoly running your professional life,” writes reader Brian. Like many people who depend on Adobe’s Creative Suite to perform their creative work, he’s upset at the news that Adobe is abandoning the stuffy, old-fashioned software business model where you buy a program once and get to keep it. Instead, they’re going to release new versions solely through their Creative Cloud service, charging a monthly subscription price. [More]