

Remember that guy JetBlue and the TSA wouldn’t let on a plane for wearing an Arabic shirt? He, joined with the ACLU, have just sued them for racial profiling. [Seattle Times]

Phone Record Lawsuit Over NSA Spying Dismissed

Phone Record Lawsuit Over NSA Spying Dismissed

A judge Tuesday tossed out an ACLU lawsuit against the government over over AT&T’s alleged turning over of phone records to the NSA.

The News; High Interest Charged For Lending Of Ears

The News; High Interest Charged For Lending Of Ears

• Home field advantage. Shortness of breath ensues amongst the 16,000 coat-tail hopefuls, causing them to reach for their pills. [LAT] “Verdict Bolsters Merck’s Vioxx”

The News: Now, 100% Dolphin Safe!

The News: Now, 100% Dolphin Safe!

• Consumer Reports says that due to high levels of mercury, pregnant women should not eat tuna. Plus, those dolphin bits can get stuck in the baby’s umbilical cord. [CT]