As you’ve probably noticed, there is is a lot going on down in D.C. right now. Amid all the confirmation hearings, investigative hearings, and press events about hearings, the House of Representatives is preparing to vote on the recently unveiled replacement to the Affordable Care Act. However, the bill they consider later this week will be slightly different from what was first released. [More]

Here Are The Changes Made To The Obamacare Replacement Plan Since Last Week

Key Players Give Their Opinions — For And Against — On GOP’s Obamacare Replacement
After years of railing against the Affordable Care Act and calling for its repeal, and following weeks of secrecy, coyness, and treasure hunts around Capitol Hill, GOP lawmakers have finally proposed this much-awaited legislation. Now that it’s out there, what are folks from all sides of the political spectrum saying? [More]

Members Of Congress Literally Chasing Each Other Around Capitol Hill Trying To Find Text Of Obamacare Repeal Bill
Since Nov. 8, 2016, Congressional Republicans and the White House have said they would immediately move to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but apart from some leaked details, no concrete legislation has surfaced. A draft bill reportedly exists, but it’s not just being kept from public view; lawmakers from both parties are desperately scrambling to get a peek at the text. [More]

Humana Leaves Exchange, Will Not Sell Individual ACA Health Care Plans For 2018
The challenge of purchasing individual health insurance is about to get even more challenging, with less competition and less choice, for consumers in nearly a dozen states. Humana, one of the four national-level insurers operating in the country, has announced that it’s quitting the marketplace exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act next year. [More]

States That Expanded Medicaid Hope To Keep It Under Trump Administration
There’s no way to tap-dance around this one: healthcare access is an incredibly politicized and partisan issue in this country. And yet even while our two major political parties disagree vehemently, at every level, about whether existing healthcare laws are effective or worthwhile, at least one part now proving popular in a surprisingly bipartisan way. [More]

CVS Collects Erroneous Birth Control Copays, Will Issue Refunds
Pharmacy chain CVS charged about 11,000 customers who have health insurance small copays when they picked up some recent prescriptions. What’s wrong with that? Those prescriptions were for generic contraceptive pills, which should be dispensed with no copay at all under the federal Affordable Care Act. Now those customers are due a refund. [More]