If you’ve always had a dream of owning a DeLorean just like the one Doc Brown and Marty McFly use to travel through time in the Back to the Future franchise, you’ll soon have better odds of getting your hands on one: DeLorean Motor Company says it’s restarting production to make about 300 replica DMC-12 cars, which it hopes to sell for less than $100,000. [More]
$4 meal wars

Carl’s Jr. And Hardee’s Now Have Their Own $4 Meal
Years ago, the hot trend in fast food was dollar menus. As 2016 begins, the new hotness is $4 meal deals, or other packages that offer good value and get new and old customers in the door, but also require them to pay more than a buck total for their meal. Now Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, the bicoastal power couple of chain fast food, are putting out their own version of a $4 meal that’s… pretty much the same as everyone else’s. [More]