Daniel ordered what’s called a “country bundle” from 1-800-Flowers for his girlfriend. When we have flowers delivered, we’re not buying dead plant stems. If that were the case, there wouldn’t be such a large industry built around flower delivery. What we’re buying is the experience of dazzling our partner when they see the flowers. Daniel’s girlfriend received this arrangement, but she wasn’t dazzled. Should she have been? [More]

1800Flowers.com Doesn't Deliver Mom's Flowers, Conveniently Forgets To Tell You
Here’s the thing with sending gifts, particularly gifts of flowers. You generally don’t call up the recipient ahead of time and say, “hey, expect some flowers on Saturday.” A big part of the gift is the delight and element of surprise. Aaron ordered some Mother’s Day flowers for his mom from 1800Flowers.com, and only learned that his order hadn’t showed up later in the week when he noticed she hadn’t mentioned them. Okay, they hadn’t delivered the flowers, but why didn’t they notify him, and why did they keep the money? [More]

Cheaters Ruin 1-800-Flowers Chocolate Box Promotion For Everyone
The chocolate box/flowers promotion seemed like a great idea. On certain boxes of Harry London candy sold in chain drugstores, there was a peel-off coupon offering up to $20 off an order from 1-800-Flowers. The problem is that some unscrupulous shoppers went into stores, peeled all of the coupons off, sold some codes on the Internet, and ruined the promotion for everyone. Now 1-800-Flowers has put a stop to the promotion, and is canceling already placed flower orders out from under customers. Not cool. [More]