Retail Services

HP Denies Your Warranty, Accuses Amazon Of Selling You A "Fake" Laptop

HP Denies Your Warranty, Accuses Amazon Of Selling You A "Fake" Laptop

There’s something deeply wrong with HP these days. It seems that instead of just fixing your laptop’s overheating issue, they’d rather accuse of selling fake HP laptops and deny your warranty. Reader Floria says that even though she got a letter from Amazon stating that there’s no possible way they sold her a fake or refurbished laptop, and then escalated her complaint to a “senior case manager” who approved the repair, HP still hasn’t fixed her computer. Is anyone in charge over there?

Chase Telemarketing Tactics: Try Being Sneaky, Then Launch Vague Threats

Chase Telemarketing Tactics: Try Being Sneaky, Then Launch Vague Threats

A reader writes in to share his traumatic experience with a Chase telemarketer who first tried to sneak a sale into the one-way conversation, then launched into scare tactics like asking, “What are you going to do when someone steals your identity?” R. writes, “I feel like I need protection from Chase’s employees.”


Cameta Camera tried to bribe a customer $75 to take down a negative Amazon review. Hmm, this could be a potentially lucrative new pastime. [Dethroner]

Chase Closes Bank Account, Hold Money Hostage

Chase Closes Bank Account, Hold Money Hostage

What makes the next story about reader Pavel trying to get satisfaction from Chase executive customer service so interesting is that Pavel himself is Executive Assistant to the President of his company. He knows how executive customer service is supposed to work. As he puts in, he has the ability to “walk on water” within in his company. Which makes his experience with Chase, where they closed his account for having a zero-balance for less than a week, and then held his money hostage, all the more frustrating…

Court Rules Customs Agents Can Collect Data From Laptops & Cellphones Without Cause

Court Rules Customs Agents Can Collect Data From Laptops & Cellphones Without Cause

Some visitors and citizens of the United States may be shocked to learn that their computers, cell phones and data devices are now subject to search and data retrieval upon entry into the U.S., even without cause or suspicion. On April 19th, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that all computers and data devices are the same as luggage in that they can be searched without cause, and that all collected data may be stored indefinitely. More, inside…

Morning Deals

Highlights From Dealhack

1 Year Later: Feet Scarred From "Chemical Flip Flops," Walmart Still Not Talking

1 Year Later: Feet Scarred From "Chemical Flip Flops," Walmart Still Not Talking

It’s been about a year since Kelly Stiles’ feet were (somehow) injured by a $3 pair of Walmart flip flops. In that time, Kelly says her feet haven’t fully healed and she still can’t wear sandals or flip flops. She says she still has pain where she was injured.

Reach Chase Bank Executive Customer Service

Reach Chase Bank Executive Customer Service

If you have a problem that regular customer service hasn’t been able to solve, give this gal working in the Chase Bank executive customer service office a shot: 713-262-3866, Michelle Crabtree. Although, she figures in an upcoming reader complaint, and not favorably. If you have a specific credit card complaint, that info is here, and the general Chase Bank executive customer service desk is 800-242-7399.

Having Your Credit Card Stolen = Accidentally Free MP3 Downloads From Amazon?

Having Your Credit Card Stolen = Accidentally Free MP3 Downloads From Amazon? apparently has a glitch whereby if you have 1-click ordering set up to buy MP3 downloads, and you forget that you canceled your credit card because it had been stolen by a random French person, you’ll end up with a bunch of “free music.” And, if you’re an honest person like Jeff Somogyi, when you try to contact Amazon to pay for the music, they’ll chuckle at you.

BoA Closes Your Credit Cards If You Ask Why They Increased Your APR

BoA Closes Your Credit Cards If You Ask Why They Increased Your APR

It’s evident the pendulum swung too far in terms of giving away too much credit, but now it seems to be swinging back in the opposite direction just as hard, with banks getting too tightfisted, even when it doesn’t make sense. For instance, the APR on James’s BoA credit card jumped from 9.32% to 13.99%, and shortly after he called to see about getting it back, they closed all three of his credit cards. One was a Gold account with a lifetime APR of 7.99%, the other had a 1.99% APR. Just last month, he received an offer to transfer $15,000 to the 1.99% card. Obviously at least one department in Bank of America thinks he’s a good credit risk. It appears some other expressionless faces of the massive dodecahedron that is the entity called Bank of America disagreed.

Iowa Best Buy Won't Sell To You Unless You Sign Up For Rewards Card?

Iowa Best Buy Won't Sell To You Unless You Sign Up For Rewards Card?

MyGearStore Bribes Customer To Remove Amazon Feedback

MyGearStore Bribes Customer To Remove Amazon Feedback

“MyGearStore,” a seller on Amazon, tried to bribe reader Michael into remove less-than-stellar feedback. Michael writes, “There were some problems with the order, and I gave them neutral feedback (which was pretty generous).” They said they would give him a partial refund if he took down his feedback. He complained to Amazon, who didn’t reply except with a “thanks for emailing us” and to MyGearStore, who didn’t respond. One tool consumers use to evaluate the slew of online retailers out there is by looking through feedback left by other customers. If stores are trying to pay off customers to get rid of negative feedback, one, they’re stupid because they’re going to get caught. Two, it means you should be suspicious if the feedback for one store, product, or seller is overwhelmingly positive. Critical reading, it’s a good ability to have. The original bribe note sent by MyGearStore, inside..


Target’s internal crime lab is overrun with requests from law enforcement agencies for its forensic video expertise. [Forbes]

Morning Deals

Highlights From Dealhack


Just in time for your rebate and stimulus checks, industry insiders predict price drops of 20-25% on HDTVs in May. [HD Guru via Gizmodo]


Amazon launched a new “BPA-free” baby supply shop (BPA is a chemical found in some plastic bottles that may cause cancer). The only problem was that not all of the bottles were BPA-free. [Z Recommends]

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service Desk

Here is another phone number to reach the Verizon Wireless executive customer service desk: 845-365-7700. If that number doesn’t work, here are some others to try.

Home Depot Won't Let You Buy Stuff Without Knowing What You Plan To Do With It

Home Depot Won't Let You Buy Stuff Without Knowing What You Plan To Do With It

Reader Helen went to Home Depot to buy some various and sundry items, but left empty-handed after the self-checkout refused to let her complete her purchase without disclosing what she planned to do with her items. Helen says: