Quality & Safety

CPSC Enters Semi-Neutered Status

CPSC Enters Semi-Neutered Status

The Consumer Product Safety Commission entered semi-neutered status this weekend.

Taco Bell e. Coli: It Was California Lettuce

One likely problem is the proximity of ranching and farming operations in parts of California. Cattle and other animals harbor the bacteria, which is shed in their feces.

Using a Portable Generator Indoors Can “Kill You in Minutes”

Using a Portable Generator Indoors Can “Kill You in Minutes”

According to the CPSC, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of deaths caused by people using portable generators indoors, so a new label is being required on all portable generators. ” The CO produced by one generator is equal to the CO produced by hundreds of running cars. It can incapacitate and kill consumers within minutes.”

Cheapest Safest Automobiles

Cheapest Safest Automobiles

What’s the safest car for the least amount of money?

Lead Snaps On Kid’s Clothes, Bad Idea

Lead Snaps On Kid’s Clothes, Bad Idea

The CPSC has a recall of two types of overalls sold at Dilliard’s. What’s wrong with the overalls? They have “coatings on the snaps in the overalls and shirt contain excessive amounts of lead, posing a serious risk of lead poisoning and adverse health effects to young children.” This is a bad idea. Isn’t the first rule of children’s clothes…no lead? It’s at least the second rule.

Most Car Seats Fail “Disastrously” In Crash Tests

Most Car Seats Fail “Disastrously” In Crash Tests

Consumer Reports has tested several models of children’s car seats and most “failed disastrously” in side-impact tests at 38 mph, and front-impact tests of 35 mph. “The car seats twisted violently or flew off their bases, in one case hurling a test dummy 30 feet across the lab.” Um, whoops.

How KFC Went Trans Fat Free

How KFC Went Trans Fat Free

Business Week has an interesting article about all the R&D that went into Trans Fat Free KFC.

Cloned Meat Info Roundup

You guys have been asking for information on cloned meat, so here you go:

FDA Even Closer To Allowing Cloned Meat With No Special Labels

We reported Tuesday that the FDA was expected to find in favor of allowing cloned meat and milk from cloned animals to enter the food supply without special labeling. On Thursday the FDA issued the expected statement in favor of cloned meat.

FDA Expected to OK Cloned Meat

Is cloned meat safe? The government seems to think so. According to the Seattle Times, “A long-awaited study by federal scientists concludes meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring are safe to eat and should be allowed to enter the food supply without special labeling.”

Taco Bell e. Coli outbreak Catches the Eye of Congress

    In Congress, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who will chair the agriculture subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, intends to hold her first hearing on food-safety issues. She hopes to haul in Taco Bell executives, along with other industry figures.

Dirty Birds: Chicken is Full of Bacteria

Dirty Birds: Chicken is Full of Bacteria

A particularly disgusting survey by Consumer Reports claims that their “analysis of fresh, whole broilers bought nationwide revealed that 83 percent harbored campylobacter or salmonella, the leading bacterial causes of foodborne disease.” Ew! Cheaper birds weren’t more likely to have bacteria, “Overall, chickens labeled as organic or raised without antibiotics and costing $3 to $5 per pound were more likely to harbor salmonella than were conventionally produced broilers that cost more like $1 per pound.” Birds also harbored antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. “Twenty percent of campylobacter samples were resistant to ciprofloxacin (Cipro)” So that’s awesome news.

Wii Wrist Straps: Let the Lawsuits Begin

Wii Wrist Straps: Let the Lawsuits Begin

Law firm Green Welling LLP has filed the inevitable Wii wrist strap class action lawsuit, wherein they claim, ” Nintendo’s failure to include a remote that is free from defects is in breach of Nintendo’s own product warranty.” What’s the point of suing Nintendo?

FDA Calls For Stricter Warnings on Tylenol and Other OTC Drugs

“Non-prescription pain relievers used by millions of U.S. consumers need stronger health warnings regarding liver or stomach risk, the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday.” The drugs in questions are acetaminophen (Tylenol), and NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). In particular acetaminophen is associated with liver problems.

Charges Dropped in “Liquid Terror” Plane Plot

Charges Dropped in “Liquid Terror” Plane Plot

A Pakistani judge has dropped charges against the main suspect in a purported terror plot to blow up airlines with half a sports drink bottle full of dangerous liquids. This plot is the reason you now have to fly with a ziplock bag full of tiny toiletries, and the reason we have started to pay attention to the quality of hotel soaps. From BBC News: “Anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi found no evidence that he had been involved in terrorist activities or that he belonged to a terrorist organization. As well as forgery charges, Mr Rauf has also been charged with carrying explosives. But his lawyer says police evidence amounts only to bottles of hydrogen peroxide found in his possession.”

Small Cars Break Easily, Except For Nissan Versa

Small Cars Break Easily, Except For Nissan Versa

Subcompacts save gas but they may not save your ass in a crash. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reviewed eight small cars and only the Nissan Versa received a high score in front, rear, and side impacts.

Eli Lilly Promoted Drug For Unapproved Use

Eli Lilly Promoted Drug For Unapproved Use

Drugmaker Eli Lilly pushed physicians to prescribe Zyprexa, a drug for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, to patients having neither condition, NYT reports.

Dangerous Amounts of Lead Found in Capitol Hill Gift Shop Trinkets

If you thought visiting Washington could be bad for your health, you’re right. Seven products, including bracelets, pendants and a souvenir spoon, were removed from the shelves of four gift shops in response to preliminary lead test results requested by Sen.Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif.