Quality & Safety

Lead Found In Dental Appliance

Lead Found In Dental Appliance

Finally! It’s been so long since we’ve posted about anything tainted with lead that we were starting to wonder if all the world’s trade problems had been resolved—but now comes a new study that found 210 parts per million (ppm) of lead in the porcelain veneer of a dental crown ordered from China. That’s a lot less than the CPSC’s current 600 ppm threshold, but a lot more than the international standard of only 90 ppm. The good news is it’s highly unlikely developing children will need a mouth full of crowns and bridges. The bad news is it’s yet another example of how hazardous material can slip undiscovered into the marketplace—and your mouth.

24,000 Cribs Recalled For Faulty Railing

24,000 Cribs Recalled For Faulty Railing

The CPSC has announced the recall of 24,000 cribs for a faulty railing that puts children at risk of falling out.

The Great 2008 Beef Recall's Cow Torturing Villains Revealed

The Great 2008 Beef Recall's Cow Torturing Villains Revealed

Here are the booking photos of Westland/Hallmark Meat Co., employees, Jose Luis Sanchez and Daniel Navarro. They are both suspects arrested in connection with the animal abuse incident at the slaughterhouse.


The Humane Society of America has sued the USDA in an attempt to close a loophole that allows downer cows who aren’t otherwise ill into the food supply. They claim the loophole increases the risk of introducing mad cow disease to humans, and leads to abuse against the cattle—like with, oh, say, a forklift. [Wall Street Journal]

The FDA Wants More Money

The FDA Wants More Money

Unlike Nancy Nord (she’s the CPSC boss that tried to hint to Congress that her agency needed more funding through sly winks and interpretive dance numbers), the FDA chief is ignoring Bush’s “do not ask for more money” rule and demanding more funds.


A new meta-analysis showed that popular anemia drugs Aranesp and Procrit increase the risk of death in cancer patients by 10 percent, a statistically significant number. [NYT]

Meat Industry Wants To "Unrecall" Some Of That Potentially Tainted Beef

Meat Industry Wants To "Unrecall" Some Of That Potentially Tainted Beef

The Wall Street Journal says that that beef industry representatives have been talking with federal food-safety regulators about possibly “narrowing the scope” of the recent record-breaking beef recall that stemmed from an undercover video showing slaughter house workers hitting sick cows with forklifts and forcing them into the slaughter box. Cows that can not stand are not allowed into the food supply because they pose an increased risk of “mad cow” disease.

Senate CPSC Reform Compromise Leaves Everyone Bitter, Unsatisfied

Senate CPSC Reform Compromise Leaves Everyone Bitter, Unsatisfied

Nobody likes the compromise reached by Senators to reform the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Industry thinks the revised plan goes too far, while consumer groups want more. For now, the compromise would allow the CPSC to operate without a quorum, inject needed cash into the Commission, and provide for several other nifty provisions.

CPSC Recalled Play Stove For Tipping, Ignored Real Ones?

CPSC Recalled Play Stove For Tipping, Ignored Real Ones?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) did not protect consumers from the hazardous stoves because existing agency regulations require a prolonged dialogue with manufacturers of hazardous products, the consumer groups said.

Beware Dirty Lemon Wedges At Restaurants

Beware Dirty Lemon Wedges At Restaurants

The slightly alarmist HealthInspections.com has a story about dirty lemon wedges in restaurants—apparently they’re a “witch’s brew of bacteria,” to use the hilariously over-the-top language of the video narrator, who speaks in a parody of a newscaster voice. Our favorite trick of theirs: overlaying gigantic bacteria animations on everyday objects, as you can see in this screen capture. But anyway, the point is a microbiologist from New Jersey found various bacteria on three quarters of the lemons she tested from 21 different restaurants: “The very first sample that we took was loaded with fecal bacteria.”

Toys "R" Us Announces New Safety Guidelines

Toys "R" Us Announces New Safety Guidelines

Just got this email from Toys ‘R’ Us in my inbox and thought you’d be interested. I’m normally pretty skeptical about corporate promises like this, but if they implement these changes I’m going to be pretty impressed.


In response to consumer backlash, Verizon has decided to make it so alarms on its new phones don’t go off on its phones when you dial 911. This is so if you hide and call 911 when a prowler breaks in, you don’t give them a handy homing signal. [KOMO]


Time has an interesting article about the unmarked cloned beef that will be washing up at your grocery store sometime soon. Are you grossed out? Not? [Time]

USDA Recalls 143 Million Pounds Of Beef

USDA Recalls 143 Million Pounds Of Beef

The U.S. Department of Agriculture initiated the largest meat recall in U.S. history today, recalling 143 million pounds of beef from a macabre California slaughterhouse that chopped up downer cows—a rich source of mad cow disease—and sold them to school districts across the nation. The massive recall affects all beef produced by the Westland/Hallmark Meat Company after February 1, 2006.

22,000 People Died As Bayer Reaped Profits, Withheld Key Study From FDA

22,000 People Died As Bayer Reaped Profits, Withheld Key Study From FDA

The FDA yanked the heart surgery drug Trasylol off the market last November, but a medical researcher now claims that 22,000 lives could have been saved if Bayer AG hadn’t withheld the results of an earlier internal study proving the drug’s danger. An FDA committee held hearings in September 2006 to determine Trasylol’s safety, but three of the committee members had a financial interest in Bayer, and the drug maker had underwritten the committee chairman’s research.

Pokemon Valentine's Day Lollipops Should Not Contain Razor Blades

Pokemon Valentine's Day Lollipops Should Not Contain Razor Blades

A 10-year-old elementary school student found a razor blade in the Pokemon lollipop he was about to hand to his sister. Dollar General, which sold the lollipop for $1, immediately recalled the remaining Pokemon Valentine Cards and Pops from its 8,300 stores, but they are concerned that “most of this candy has already been purchased.”

Dancing Deer Apologizes For Blondie-Encrusted Metal Spear

Dancing Deer wasted no time responding to yesterday’s post featuring a two-inch metal spear in a package of blondies. Trish Karter, Dancing Deer’s President, Chief Deer, and Floor Sweeper sent tipster Helen a wonderfully detailed apology and promised to conduct an investigation. Read her excellent mea culpa, after the jump.

This Two-Inch Metal Spear Does Not Belong In A Dancing Deer All-Natural, Organic Blondie

This Two-Inch Metal Spear Does Not Belong In A Dancing Deer All-Natural, Organic Blondie

Update: Dancing Deer apologized.