Quality & Safety

FAA Says Southwest Tried To Hide Safety Problems

FAA Says Southwest Tried To Hide Safety Problems

There’s a congressional hearing going on right now over the unsafe Southwest Airlines planes. It seems like the FAA’s Southwest Airlines operation was a smörgåsbord of delicious corruption that put many lives (and careers) at risk by becoming too cozy with the airline it was supposed to regulate.

United Airlines Cancels 31 Flights

United Airlines Cancels 31 Flights

United Airlines canceled 31 flights today to test the fire suppression system. It’s just the latest in a series of self-imposed groundings and butteningups by airlines hoping to avoid the negative PR Southwest experienced when a CNN investigation three weeks ago revealed the airline flew over 100 plans with thousands of passengers while skipping required safety inspections.

Buick Doesn't Tell Dealerships About Fire Hazard

Buick Doesn't Tell Dealerships About Fire Hazard

There are efficient ways to initiate a recall and issue safety notices, and then there’s the Buick way. After determining a potential fire hazard in the certain Pontiac Grand Prix and Buick Regals, Buick sent out safety notices in advance of a probable recall to its customers. It alerted them of the hazard, and recommend they have a mechanic investigate any suspicious burning smells. What they neglected, however, was to inform their dealerships of the hazard. Reader Tculkin, who had already complained of burning smells to another mechanic, followed the advice in his safety notice and immediately called his local dealership. The dealership had no idea what he was talking about. Literally, they didn’t get the memo. Details, inside…

Costco Recalls 10,368 Pounds Of Listeria-Contaminated Chicken

Costco Recalls 10,368 Pounds Of Listeria-Contaminated Chicken

Costco is issuing a voluntary recall for 10,368 pounds of Discover Cuisine frozen chicken entrees under suspicion that the chicken may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, which can cause headaches, neck stiffness, and, uh, spontaneous abortions.

FDA Investigating Possible Increased Risk Of Suicide From Popular Asthma Drug Singulair

FDA Investigating Possible Increased Risk Of Suicide From Popular Asthma Drug Singulair

Concerns over “behavioral issues” with Singulair developed over the past year. Merck periodically updated the drug’s labels to include warnings for tremors, depression and anxiety. FDA spokesperson Susan Cruzan said reports of suicides by “three or four” people who were taking Singulair prompted Merck to clarify suicide warnings on labels and patient information sheets in October 2007.

Delta Canceling 275 Flights Through Friday To Complete Wiring Inspections

Delta Canceling 275 Flights Through Friday To Complete Wiring Inspections

It’s official—Delta has said they’re canceling a total of 275 flights, or about 3% of their worldwide schedule (we don’t know what the US percentage is), to complete inspections of wiring in 117 planes. To check whether your flight is impacted, visit this page on Delta’s site.

Spinach Facilities Are Unsafe, Disgusting And The FDA Doesn't Care

Spinach Facilities Are Unsafe, Disgusting And The FDA Doesn't Care

If you like spinach you might not want to read a new report from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform called “FDA and Fresh Spinach Safety.”

Delta Says It May Cancel More Flights Today Over Inspection Issues

Delta Says It May Cancel More Flights Today Over Inspection Issues

Delta will announce sometime today whether or not it will ground more of its planes to perform additional inspections, reports CNN. Yesterday, while American Airlines was grounding 200 of its planes for safety inspections, Delta also canceled an unnamed number of flights.


American Airlines canceled 200 flights today for safety inspections. Concerns arose over how a particular bundle of wires was attached to MD-80 airplanes. This is different from the bolt safety issue affecting Boeing 737s. [CNNMoney]


We hear a lot of horror stories about bad satellite TV installers, but they do serve an important function in the world. If one had been available to this gentlemen he might not have shot his wife. [KSDK]

There's Salmonella In The Cantaloupes!

There's Salmonella In The Cantaloupes!

The FDA is detaining shipments of “cantaloupe from Agropecuaria Montelibano, a Honduran grower and packer, because, based on current information, fruit from this company appears to be associated with a Salmonella Litchfield outbreak in the United States and Canada.”

Learn The Secrets Of Food Photography

Learn The Secrets Of Food Photography

The blogosphere is circulating a link to an awesome German food photography site today, which compares package photos of food with what’s inside for around 100 products. Sure, it’s all in German, but the Industrial Food Revolution is the same pretty much everywhere. We looked around for a good “secrets of food photography” and found this article at Photocritic which lists some of the staples any good food photographer has at every shoot, including motor oil, cotton balls, and brown shoe polish. Mmm!

Let's Celebrate Easter With A Lead Contamination Recall!

Let's Celebrate Easter With A Lead Contamination Recall!

The CPSC would like you to know that the Hobby Lobby has a couple easter-themed recalls.

Get Info On BPA-Free Baby Products Via Text Messaging

Get Info On BPA-Free Baby Products Via Text Messaging

If you’ve got a baby and you’re concerned about buying unlabeled products that contain Bisphenol A or BPA—which some studies have indicated may lead to adverse health effects in humans—the website Z Recommends has just launched a free text messaging service that lets you query their database of companies while you’re standing in the store. They’ve also got a printable wallet-card you can carry with you, which serves as both a cheat-sheet for the text service and a quick reference source for major companies.

Honda Ignores Civic SI Owners' Complaints About Faulty Transmissions

Honda Ignores Civic SI Owners' Complaints About Faulty Transmissions

A bunch of Honda owners are mad because they think Honda should issue a recall on their cars due to their transmission, things like randomly deciding to pop out of third gear into neutral and not fully engaging. When these owners confront Honda, the car company kept saying “we’ve never heard of the problem before,” despite numerous complaints being sent in, and dealers say they “can’t replicate” the problem. There’s a writeup of the whole problem at AutomotiveTech.org, a list of message board forum members with the problem, and now, Fox 6 San Diego picked up on it after angry owners organized a protest at a local dealership. Suddenly, Honda’s tune has changed, and they’re “aware of the problem” and “investigating.” Video after the jump.

Cow Abuse Meatpacking Boss Reluctantly Admits To Tainting The Food Supply

Cow Abuse Meatpacking Boss Reluctantly Admits To Tainting The Food Supply

The president of a slaughterhouse at the heart of the largest meat recall denied under oath on Wednesday, but then changed his mind, that his company introduced sick cows into the food supply, says the NYT.

Southwest Airlines Grounds 42 Planes, Suspends Workers

Southwest Airlines Grounds 42 Planes, Suspends Workers

The FAA says that Southwest Airlines has grounded at least 42 planes for “possible structural damage,” says the Dallas Morning News. The announcement comes after the FAA proposed record-breaking fines after an investigation uncovered that Southwest may have kept 46 planes flying even though they required safety inspections for fuselage damage.

IHOP Agrees That Workers Shouldn't Scrub Ceiling Tiles Directly Over Your Food

IHOP Agrees That Workers Shouldn't Scrub Ceiling Tiles Directly Over Your Food

We get fewer gross food stories than you might imagine here at Consumerist, and this one made us cringe. Reader Richard saw a maintenance person scrubbing down some ceiling tiles while standing on a food prep counter… that was in use. Yeah. Ew.