Quality & Safety

Grand Jury Issues Subpoenas, Opens Criminal Investigation In Toyota Recall

Grand Jury Issues Subpoenas, Opens Criminal Investigation In Toyota Recall

Answering all those people who asked, “Shouldn’t the Justice Department be the ones handling the Toyota recall hearings?”, the car company confirmed today that both federal prosecutors and the Securities and Exchange Commission have already dropped a load of subpoenas on their desks. [More]

Would You Buy This Meat?

Would You Buy This Meat?

Reader Michael sent us this breakfast-ruining photo of some seriously off-putting meat offered at a discount at Walmart. A quick glance at this meat spoilage guide suggests “Oxidative Rancidity” which is what happens when you don’t wrap meat properly.

Is An FDA Conflict Of Interest Keeping Avandia On The Market?

Is An FDA Conflict Of Interest Keeping Avandia On The Market?

A new report from the Senate Finance Committee alleges that drug company GlaxoSmithKline not only knew about a possible link between their diabetes medication Avandia and heart attacks, but also acted to keep the FDA from pulling the drug off shelves. If so, how were they able to do it? [More]

Is Your Hot Dog Trying To Kill You?

Is Your Hot Dog Trying To Kill You?

If you’re eating a hot dog, or thinking about eating a hot dog, you may want to know this. The American Academy of Pediatrics thinks your frankfurter is a choking hazard and it should be packaged with a warning label. They also want some brainpower invested in redesigning the tasty treats so as to make them less deadly. [More]

43-Year-Old Accused Of Seducing Teen Boy Over PlayStation Home

43-Year-Old Accused Of Seducing Teen Boy Over PlayStation Home

In a scene straight from some horrible, technophobic TV movie, a 43-year-old woman is currently the target of a police search in Oklahoma after she allegedly seduced a 14-year-old boy she met while chatting over PlayStation Home. [More]

Toyota Bragged About Saving $100 Million With 2007 Floormat Recall

Toyota Bragged About Saving $100 Million With 2007 Floormat Recall

You know those scenes toward the end of James Bond movies where the bad guy goes on and on about his elaborate plan and what a genius he is? That never happens in real life, right? No, in the real world the bragging is done in “confidential” documents that are never meant to see the light of day… but always do. Just ask the folks at Toyota. [More]

Uncle Milton Offers Whimsical Customer Service, Replacement Tadpole

Elizabeth was raising two tadpoles under the watchful eye of Master Yoda in a frog habitat at work. When tragedy struck and one of the tadpoles suffered an early death, Elizabeth e-mailed a plea for help to the company that made the habitat, Uncle Milton. Her efforts resulted in the shipment of a new tadpole and a wonderfully funny and geeky e-mail exchange, which she shared with the world on her Livejournal. [More]

Congress Issues Subpoena For Toyota Recall Documents

Congress Issues Subpoena For Toyota Recall Documents

Shortly after Toyota chief Akio Toyoda accepted an invite from Congress to appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform next week, committee Chairman Edolphus “Ed” Towns of New York and Ranking GOP Member Darrell Issa of California issued a subpoena to Dimitrios Biller, the car giant’s former National Managing Counsel in the U.S., for “all documents relating to Toyota motor vehicle safety and Toyota’s handling of alleged motor vehicle defects and related litigation.” [More]

Morningstar Farms Veggie Dogs Disappear, Taking Vegetarians' Dreams With Them

Morningstar Farms Veggie Dogs Disappear, Taking Vegetarians' Dreams With Them

After the Eggo waffle saga, readers implored us to find the whereabouts of another iconic [to vegetarians] American prepared food: the Morningstar Farms veggie dog. The dogs disappeared from stores nationwide sometime in the summer of 2009, but have never returned. [More]

Toyota Boss Accepts Invite From Congress, Unsure Of What To Wear

Toyota Boss Accepts Invite From Congress, Unsure Of What To Wear

Setting up what is sure to be a thrilling showdown like something out of a Highlander movie, Toyota’s President and CEO Akio Toyoda has decided to accept Congressman Ed Towns’ formal invitation to appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. [More]

Allow Yourself To Stop Being Obsessed With "Sell By" Dates On Food

Allow Yourself To Stop Being Obsessed With "Sell By" Dates On Food

Slate has an interesting article about food expiration dates and their meaning — which can be somewhat slippery. The basic idea is this: You don’t have to throw out food just because its past the “Sell By” date. You should inspect your food to see if it has spoiled and try to make a rational decision. [More]

Baby Bracelets, Pacifier Clips Recalled Because Lead Is Apparently Not Good For Your Infant

Baby Bracelets, Pacifier Clips Recalled Because Lead Is Apparently Not Good For Your Infant

Take a look at this cute little baby bracelet made by Allreds Design (also known as Hidden Hollow Beads) of Utah. It’s the perfect little trinket to bling up your toddler — and give her lead poisoning. [More]

Toyota's Toyoda Gets Formal Invite To Appear Before Congress

Toyota's Toyoda Gets Formal Invite To Appear Before Congress

In the weeks since it was announced that the U.S. Congress would be holding hearings on the current massive recall of Toyotas, the car giant’s president, Akio Toyoda, had been saying “Thanks, but no thanks,” to the idea of appearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. And then yesterday, he softened a bit, saying he would consider attending the hearing if given a formal invitation. Well, Mr. Toyoda… Ask and ye shall receive. [More]

How Bad Would Another Recall Be For Toyota?

How Bad Would Another Recall Be For Toyota?

As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Toyota look into whether or not complaints of steering problems in 2009 and 2010 Corollas merit a recall, it’s worth investigating both the potential financial and public relations costs for the auto giant. [More]

Salami Recall Expanded To Include 1.3 Million Pounds Of Potentially Deadly Meat

Salami Recall Expanded To Include 1.3 Million Pounds Of Potentially Deadly Meat

Less than two months after announcing a huge recall of salami and other cured meats that are behind a recent salmonella outbreak, it was announced today that the recall has been expanded even further. [More]

Toyota Boss Slams Brakes On Speaking To Congress

Toyota Boss Slams Brakes On Speaking To Congress

Even though there’s been talk of issuing a subpoena to Toyota President Akio Toyoda, compelling him to speak before Congress, the big boss at the recall-happy car manufacturer has decided to let others do the talking for him. [More]

All Future Toyotas Will Have Override System To Cut Engine Power

All Future Toyotas Will Have Override System To Cut Engine Power

According to Reuters, Toyota announced today that it would add a brake-override system to all future cars. The system would cut power from the engine when the accelerator and brake pedals are applied at the same time. [More]

Toyota Throttles Back On Production At Two U.S. Plants

Toyota Throttles Back On Production At Two U.S. Plants

With their sales sinking as they deal with the massive recall of 8 million vehicles, Toyota announced today that they are trimming back production at two U.S. factories in an effort to avoid an overstock of unsold automobiles. [More]