Government Policy

UK Broadband Providers Show US What Real "Competition" Looks Like

UK Broadband Providers Show US What Real "Competition" Looks Like

Even our readers can’t agree on whether net neutrality is a good or a bad thing, so we thought we’d stoke the fire with a nice side-by-side comparison of sample broadband options for consumers in two “free markets,” the US and the UK. Art Brodsky of the Huffington Post (oops, we probably already lost half of you) writes that a British man he met while traveling showed him a spreadsheet he’d put together that compared 59 different broadband providers, so he’d know which one to do business with.

Department of Justice Says No To Net Neutrality

Department of Justice Says No To Net Neutrality

The U.S. Department of Justice officially spoke out against net neutrality this week, in a filing with the FCC that says such regulations would “prevent, rather than promote, optimal investment and innovation in the Internet, with significant negative effects for the economy and consumers.” The department says the free market has done just fine so far, and that “precluding broadband providers from charging [content providers] directly for faster or more reliable service” could shift the burden of cost directly onto consumers.

British Airways Sued For Chronically Losing Luggage

British Airways Sued For Chronically Losing Luggage

Three travelers claim British Airways acted recklessly in losing their luggage, and have filed a class action lawsuit against the airline, Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. [More]

FDA Halts Sale Of Libido-Increasing Injectable Tanning Drug

FDA Halts Sale Of Libido-Increasing Injectable Tanning Drug

The FDA has warned Melanocorp, Inc., of Tennessee to stop its online sales of Melanotan II, an injectable tanning product that the company claims is “effective in protecting against skin cancer and rosacea.” According to the FDA, such claims cause it to be “classified as a drug under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as well as a new drug because there is no evidence that it is generally recognized as safe and effective for its labeled uses.”


Hayes Company “Avant Yarde” Decorative Glaze Outdoor Candles (fire, burn), Melanocorp Melanotan II (pretending their drug is FDA approved, when it’s not).

Rite Aid Recalls Antifreeze-Laced Smoke Machine Fuel

Rite Aid Recalls Antifreeze-Laced Smoke Machine Fuel

Jennifer reports, “Spoke to someone in [Rite Aid] corporate today- while they still insist the product is safe (no msds, though), they did say that due to “customer concern” (later rephrased as “all your calls”) they are recalling the product!”

Critics Say Consumer Agency Needs Complete Overhaul

Critics Say Consumer Agency Needs Complete Overhaul

The CPSC is understaffed and underfunded, and it needs a complete overhaul of its mission if it’s to be effective at all in protecting US consumers, says Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin (D):

“The laws are written sadly in a way to make it next to impossible to protect consumers. 401 (CPSC) employees today trying to manage trillions of dollars in products … they do not have enough cops on the beat.”

Lost Cellphone At Credit Union, Would They Turn Over The Surveillance Tapes?

Lost Cellphone At Credit Union, Would They Turn Over The Surveillance Tapes?

“I went to my Credit Union last night to pay my car payment. I think during sometime between getting out the appropriate papers and leaving the place I must have misplaced my phone. On my drive home, I realized I didn’t have my phone.


Did you know you don’t have to show your ID to TSA employees when flying? Did you know that refusing to do so can get you bumped to the head of the line? [NewsBlog]

Rite Aid Selling Smoke Machine Fuel Containing Antifreeze

Rite Aid Selling Smoke Machine Fuel Containing Antifreeze

Rite Aid is selling antifreeze-laced fog juice, the substance that is atomized and turned into a gas by smoke machines, isn’t terribly concerned, reports reader Jennifer.

FTC Says Gas Was Expensive Last Year Because Of Market Forces, Not Price Gouging

FTC Says Gas Was Expensive Last Year Because Of Market Forces, Not Price Gouging

You can stop worrying about whether or not you got screwed by the gas industry. The Federal Trade Commission announced late last week that they’ve found no evidence of price gouging during 2006, when the average price of gas rose above $3 per gallon. Or as one oil industry spokesman puts it (tactlessly, for a spokesman), “It’s difficult for the average American to understand market forces, but that is what’s ultimately in play with this industry.”


Accessory Toys (lead), Fisher Price Big Big World 6-in-1 Bongo Band toys (lead), Fisher-Price Recalls Geo Trax Locomotive Toys (lead), NettoCollection “Moderne” and “Loft” Cribs (entrapment, strangulation), d-Scan Jubee Bunk Beds (collapse). Mattel’s CEO appeared in a new apology video, featuring shots of people in lab coats going through the motions of testing toys (we like how the guy in the beginning nods his head as he writes down a figure, nice lil piece of overacting there).

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office

Dell Laptop Catches Fire In Shanghai Office

Just when you thought it was safe taste to eat a pomegranate… a Dell laptop catches fire and self destructs! This time, on 9/03, in a Shanghai office.

More Mattel Lead Painted Toy Recalls Tomorrow

More Mattel Lead Painted Toy Recalls Tomorrow

Toy-giant Mattel will recall yet more toys covered in deadly lead-tainted paint, the AP reports.

Mattel's Reputation With The CPSC Is Officially Crappy

Mattel's Reputation With The CPSC Is Officially Crappy

Mattel is being investigated (again) by the CPSC over the timeliness of its latest batch of recalls. According to the WSJ, Mattel knows it is required to inform the agency within 24 hours of receiving information about a defect that could cause injury—it just doesn’t do it because it thinks its not fair.

CPSC Has Only One Full-Time Toy Tester

CPSC Has Only One Full-Time Toy Tester

The CPSC is so underfunded that they can only afford one full-time toy tester, and his impact test area is located in the swing area behind the door to his cramped office, NYT reports.

US Sends Substandard Products Overseas

US Sends Substandard Products Overseas

Here’s some depressing news: US companies increasingly export products that do not meet our safety standards, says the Washington Post.

Nation's Largest Car Seat Maker Recalls 19 Models

Nation's Largest Car Seat Maker Recalls 19 Models

Dorel Juvenile Group, the nation’s largest maker of car seats, is recalling 19 models of car seats, including the Eddie Bauer and Costco Cosco brands.