Government Policy

U.S. Marshals Seize All Of Clarcon's Products At Utah Facility

U.S. Marshals Seize All Of Clarcon's Products At Utah Facility

Back in June, the FDA sounded an alarm about potentially bacteria-laden Clarcon products, including some anti-bacterial lotions meant to be applied to open wounds. They urged the public not to use Clarcon products while Clarcon addressed the matter. Apparently Clarcon didn’t do enough, though, because this past weekend U.S. Marshals “seized all skin sanitizers and skin protectants, including ingredients and components, at Clarcon Biological Chemistry Laboratory’s facility in Roy, Utah.”

Mom Drags Kid Through Verizon Store On Leash

Mom Drags Kid Through Verizon Store On Leash

Dear kid of abusive mom: yes, this is what it feels like for us when we deal with cell phone retailers, too. At least your mom was arrested. Video below.

Comcast: In Case Of Emergency, Remain Calm, Watch QVC

Comcast: In Case Of Emergency, Remain Calm, Watch QVC

When Comcast activates the emergency alert system, Jim’s cable box snaps into action and tunes itself to QVC. The locked cable box refuses to tune to any other channel, so Jim is left wondering what emergency information he’s missing while staring at the latest deals on cubic zirconia bracelets.

30 Songs? That'll Be $675,000

30 Songs? That'll Be $675,000

A Boston jury yesterday ruled that file sharer Joel Tenenbaum would have to pay the Recording Industry of America $675,000 for sharing 30 copyrighted songs. The hefty award was all the more surprising because Tenenbaum was represented by a crack team of legal eagles from Harvard’s law school. The trial didn’t unfold nearly the way they planned…

Airbag Defect Prompts Honda To Recall 440,000 Cars

Airbag Defect Prompts Honda To Recall 440,000 Cars

If you own a Honda and don’t like getting shot in the face with jagged metal fragments, you may want to keep an eye out for a recall notice. The automaker announced yesterday that it would recall 440,000 Civics, Accords, and Acura TL sedans sold between 2001 and 2003.

FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App

FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App

Apple (and AT&T) may have finally pushed too far with this week’s rejection of the Google Voice App from the iPhone App Store, for no reason other than it “duplicated functionality” already offered—for a price—by AT&T. According to mocoNews, the FCC has asked Apple and AT&T to provide answers about how apps are approved, why they’re denied, and particularly how much say AT&T has over things iPhone-related.

Genius Baggage Handlers Steal Retired Police Sergent's Handgun

Genius Baggage Handlers Steal Retired Police Sergent's Handgun

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that several baggage handlers working for a company contracted by Delta Airlines were busted in a sting operation that was launched following the theft of a handgun from a retired police sergeant’s luggage.

Kindle Deletions: Amazon Ate Student's Homework

Kindle Deletions: Amazon Ate Student's Homework

I was never much for writing in books in school, though I did use Post-Its frequently. Which is a precursor to leaving digital notes in a Kindle edition of the book. A Michigan high school student is one of the parties in a class action suit against Amazon because in deleting the unauthorized MobileReference edition of 1984, the company effectively ate his homework.


Shopping tip: If a strange man asks you to try on some shoes “for his wife,” say “NO.” [Mail-Tribune]

Recalls: Your Subaru Baja May Self-Immolate

Recalls: Your Subaru Baja May Self-Immolate

It is our solemn duty to inform you that your Subaru Baja could be trying to light itself, and by extension, you, on fire.

Houses Passes Strong Food Safety Reform

Houses Passes Strong Food Safety Reform

The House of Representatives just passed the bipartisan Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. If enacted, the legislation would strengthen the FDA, increase inspections of food facilities, and hopefully ensure that tragedies like the Peanut Corporation of America salmonella outbreak become a thing of the past.

FDA Warns Consumers About Proto-Steroids Marketed As Nutritional Supplements

FDA Warns Consumers About Proto-Steroids Marketed As Nutritional Supplements

You should avoid nutritional supplements that claim to have steroid-like effects, no matter how many flames are pictured on the label. Earlier this week, the FDA sent a warning letter to Americell-Labs, the manufacturer of many popular lines of such supplements, and also warned consumers to stay away from the products. The “supplements” claim to act a little too much like steroids, and should be tested and sold as drugs if they are, y’know, drugs. If they’re anabolic steroids, they shouldn’t be sold at all.

Cash4Clunkers Admin Responds To MPG Switcharoo, Says Nothing

Cash4Clunkers Admin Responds To MPG Switcharoo, Says Nothing

PREVIOUSLY: EPA Tweaks Official MPGs Prior To Cash4Clunkers, Shafting Some (Photo: morsteen)


Good News: The FDA says your dental fillings aren’t going to give you mercury poisoning. They are, however, classifying “dental amalgam” as “Class II” or “moderate risk,” so they can “impose special controls.” [FDA] (Thanks, Laurie!)

Pardon Me, But There Is A Mouse In This Can Of Diet Pepsi

Pardon Me, But There Is A Mouse In This Can Of Diet Pepsi

(Ed. note— Ok, let me just tell you that reading this story made my stomach flip, which is something that almost never happens to me, so if you’re eating lunch or (heaven forbid) drinking a Pepsi — just go to Cute Overload and forget this ever happened.) A Florida man says he was drinking a can of Diet Pepsi when he noted that it tasted funny. (Warning: “Not Safe For Lunch” graphic picture inside.)

Madoff Gives First Prison Interview To Victims' Lawyers

Madoff Gives First Prison Interview To Victims' Lawyers

Bernie Madoff has given his first prison interview…to attorneys representing his victims. Highlights: He’s quite candid now (what has he got to lose?), he can’t believe that he got away with running an epic Ponzi scheme for as long as he did, and apparently he’s been working out.

Twitter Lawsuit Company Tells Its Side Of Story

Twitter Lawsuit Company Tells Its Side Of Story

(Photo: mikebaird)

Tenant Sued After Using Twitter To Complain About Moldy Apartment

Tenant Sued After Using Twitter To Complain About Moldy Apartment

If the the puiblic didn’t read Amanda Bonnen’s Twitter feed before, they will now, thanks to a defamation lawsuit brought against her by Horizon Group Management in Chicago.