Government Policy

Ohio Spends $1 Million Of Stimulus Money To Tell You It's Spending Stimulus Money

Ohio Spends $1 Million Of Stimulus Money To Tell You It's Spending Stimulus Money

At least Ohio isn’t sitting on its stimulus funds. State senator Tim Grendell is raising a stink that the state is spending $1 million of stimulus money simply advertising the fact that it’s spending funds on road projects, CNN reports: [More]

Boar's Head, Dietz & Watson, Daniele Salami Recalled For Salmonella

Boar's Head, Dietz & Watson, Daniele Salami Recalled For Salmonella

Last week, 1.2 million pounds of various cured meats made by Rhode Island’s Daniele International but sold under different names were recalled due to possible salmonella poisoning. Labels the affected meats were sold under include Daniele, Dietz & Watson, Black Bear of the Black Forest, and Boar’s Head. [More]

Los Angeles City Council Votes To Close 80% Of Marijuana Dispensaries

Los Angeles City Council Votes To Close 80% Of Marijuana Dispensaries

Frustrated at the number of marijuana dispensaries that have sprouted up since voters allowed its legal medical use in 1996, the L.A. City Council today voted to shut down the majority of them and relocate the rest to the industrial zones. Mayor Villaraigosa will have to sign the ordinance before it goes into effect. [More]

TSA Takes A Nap

TSA Takes A Nap

Being ineffectual is hard work. TSA nappy time! To sleep, perchance to dream of more hilarious pranks. ANIMAL’s Bucky Turco snapped this at New York’s LaGuardia airport. [More]

Bill To Tax Corporate Political Contributions At 500% Introduced

Bill To Tax Corporate Political Contributions At 500% Introduced

Wildcat Rep. Alan Grayson has introduced a new bill that would tax corporate political donations at the eye-popping rate of 500%. The bill is called the “Business Should Mind Its Own Business Act.” However popular among the proles, the question is if it would count as an abridgment on free-speech. In any event, “Business Should Mind Its Own Business” is fun to say. [HR 4431 IH] [More]

1.2 Million Pounds Of Cured Meat Recalled For Salmonella

1.2 Million Pounds Of Cured Meat Recalled For Salmonella

1.2 million pounds of Daniele International salami, sausage, and other cured meat products have been yanked out of stores and recalled due to possible salmonella contamination. The meats are linked to 184 sick individuals in 38 states. At least 35 people have been hospitalized, but none have died. [More]

Fast Food Managers Abuse Power, Force Teenage Workers Into Sex

Fast Food Managers Abuse Power, Force Teenage Workers Into Sex

Supervising nubile teenagers in a fast-food establishment does not mean that you have an open invitation to abuse your authority and demand sex from them. This seems that it would be a self-evident rule of management. It is not. [More]

Toyota Recalls 2.3 Million More Cars For Sticky Pedals

Toyota Recalls 2.3 Million More Cars For Sticky Pedals

If you thought you were in the clear because you own a Toyota model that wasn’t included in last year’s mega-recalls, you’d better check your car against the company’s latest list of vehicles being recalled for stuck-accelerator issues. This time, the recall includes Rav4s, Camrys, Highlanders, Corrollas and more. So, what should you do if you own an affected car? Just be careful, since, as of now, “Toyota is working quickly to prepare the correction remedy” and won’t do anything to help you. [More]

TSA Employee Thought It Would Be Hilarious To Plant Fake Drugs On You

TSA Employee Thought It Would Be Hilarious To Plant Fake Drugs On You

So, a TSA employee allegedly planted a small bag of white powder in a college students carry-on, then pretended to “find it.” As a joke! Or something! He’s such a kidder! [More]

White House Proposes New Banking Rules, Wall Street Freaks Out

White House Proposes New Banking Rules, Wall Street Freaks Out

So, we used to have this thing called the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated investment banking from commercial banking. Then we didn’t anymore. Now the President has proposed new rules that would effectively restore some of the provisions of Glass-Steagall. Wall Street is like, so not cool with it, however. [More]

Recall Roundup: When Glitter Attacks

Recall Roundup: When Glitter Attacks

This week in recalls: flaming sparkly things, collapsing chairs and bikes, and chicken pot pies seasoned with metal pins. A little something for everyone! [More]

Twitter Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed

Twitter Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed

The burgeoning Twitter libel defense industry was dealt a blow recently when the infamous Twitter defamation lawsuit was dismissed. Apparently, it is quite difficult to craft a Tweet that fits the legal requirements for defamation in this country. [More]

Supreme Court Guts Corporate Campaign Spending Limits

Corporations can now spend as much as they like on ads supporting or attacking political candidates, the Supreme Court ruled today. [AP] [More]

1.5 Million Strollers Recalled Due To Finger-Chopping Danger

1.5 Million Strollers Recalled Due To Finger-Chopping Danger

If you’re a parent with a Graco stroller who values your child’s fingertips, you might want to take a look at this recall, in which 1.5 million of the rolling digit-guillotines are being summoned far, far away from munchkins until they’re repaired. [More]

Verizon Shrinks The List Of Phones Subject To $350 ETF

Verizon Shrinks The List Of Phones Subject To $350 ETF

Verizon has dropped 10 phones from its list of models that will trigger the high $350 early termination fee. Cnet wonders whether this is Verizon’s way of trying to make its “advanced devices are expensive to service” argument more palatable to the FCC, as the remaining models are all smartphones. [More]

Congressman Demands FTC Probe Of Cash4Gold

Congressman Demands FTC Probe Of Cash4Gold

Citing Consumerist’s investigation of Cash4Gold, Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has demanded that the Federal Trade Commission investigate Cash4Gold and its competitors.

Weiner is also proposing legislation, the Guarantee of a Legitimate Deal (GOLD) Act, which would regulate the mail-order gold-buying industry. “Cash4Gold is using these tough times as a golden opportunity to fleece customers,” Weiner said. “These deceptive practices must end.”

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure

The Food and Drug Administration has warned shoppers to be on the lookout for counterfeit versions of the weight-loss drug Alli. The real version of Alli contains orlistat, a drug with side effects that include “an urgent need to defecate,” as those with delicate sensibilities like to put it. The fakes are made with sibutramine, a controlled substance that has been linked to high blood pressure in some studies. [More]

E. Coli Recall: 864,000 Pounds Of Ground Beef

E. Coli Recall: 864,000 Pounds Of Ground Beef

Huntington Meat Packing Inc. is recalling 864,000 pounds of beef due to potential E. coli contamination. Inside, the six different Huntington products subject to the recall. [More]