Pet Owners Seek Help Finding Wandering Wallaby Who’s Been On The Road 8 Months, Probably Eating Triscuits

An example of a wallaby. They are cute. (Phil @ DelfrynDesign)
“He knows what dinner is and we’re hoping he shows up at someone’s back door,” Indy’s owner explains to the Journal News.
If he does come around looking for grub, he’ll probably run away, she adds. She just asks anyone who see him to speak in a calm voice and say, “Indy come,” and “home.
He likes all crackers, apparently, including Triscuits and Wheat Thins, as well as apple slices and toasted wheat bread.
“It’s nice that he’s still alive after eight months and that he wasn’t hit by a car or attacked by a coyote,” she said, though with winter coming, lower temperatures could prove a test for the little guy.
She gave the Journal News her phone number and asks anyone to see him to call — and to save her number in your phone under “Kangaroo” or “Wallaby” just in case. Which makes sense — see a wallaby, call Wallaby.
Missing pet wallaby still out playing road warrior [Journal News]
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