Attention People Over 30: Various Cures For Your Polaroid Nostalgia Are Here

An LCD preview screen is almost like cheating.
How about a camera with a rainbow stripe that totally looks like the Instagram logo, for only $180? Yes, yes, The Impossible Project has kept actual Polaroid film alive, which is good if you have an ancient camera around, or you’re an insufferable hipster/photo geek and simply must own a refurbished model. While there was a thrill in snapping a picture and waiting for the ghostly forms to develop enough to tell whether you blinked, don’t you miss seeing your photos on a tiny piece of square paper instead of a tiny screen? Or, in the case of these cameras, in addition to a tiny screen?
The 14 MP Digital Polaroid Camera. [Hammacher Schlemmer]
Instant Cameras and Film [Polaroid Store]
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