Weighing The Costs Of Birth Control Options

With the issue of birth control and who should pay for it becoming quite the hot button issue of late, it’s a good a time as any to compare the costs of some of the more popular contraception methods.
Alpha Consumer has stepped up to do just that, going beyond the sticker prices to break down the semi long-term costs of birth control options. Using the rather optimistic figure of two rolls in the hay each week, here are some of the annual costs the writer came up with:
* The pill and the patch — Depending on insurance coverage and the brand you choose, daily pills and patches can each run as much as $600.
* Cervical cap — The cervix-blocking barrier and accompanying spermicide should cost no more than $60.
* Condoms — Couples who get down twice a week should spend no more than $150. Those who have been married for a while can reap some big savings here.
Check out the source link for comparisons of other birth control methods, including injections and implantable devices.
The Real Cost of Birth Control [Alpha Consumer]
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