4 Signs Someone Is Lying To You
It’s usually pretty easy to tell when someone is lying to your face, but some people are skilled at hiding their deceptions. Earlier this year, a UCLA psychology professor researched the matter and established some unintentional patterns liars tend to submit to.
Analyzing 60 studies, in addition to their own research, the researchers identified “tells” that can help people spot lies. Here are some of signs the researchers say indicate dishonesty:
* Giving as little information as possible when questioned, and offering unasked-for justifications of their statements.
* Repeating questions they are asked to buy more time to come up with a response.
* Pressing their lips together or twirling their hair when asked tough questions.
* Using sentence fragments more often than usual.
The findings were published in the April issue of American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry.
How to tell when someone is lying [ScienceBlog]
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