Kmart Reportedly Sold "Modern Warfare 3" Early, Buyers Look To Flip Games Online

Some Kmarts were rumored to have started selling Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 this week, days in advance of its release date next Tuesday. The snafu was apparently due to mislabeled boxes that led managers to believe the game could be stocked and sold immediately, and the sales have initiated a grey market in which the games are going for a significant premium online.
Joystiq reports that eBay listings for the accidentally sold games keep springing up — reportedly listing the $60 game for as much as $100 — only to be quickly taken down by the site.
Joystiq called around to various Kmarts and couldn’t find the game for sale, so the retailer has apparently plugged whatever sales leaks sprung.
Kmart sold Modern Warfare 3 early, copies wind up on eBay [Joystiq]
How to Buy a Copy of Modern Warfare 3 Today [Kotaku]
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