Beware Solar Panel Scams

Contractors are banging on homeowners doors, promising huge savings for installing solar panels on their roofs. But after they’re installed and the customer has paid out big money, the panels have failed to produce a single kilowatt of energy and the salesmen have evaporated.
WABC reports that besides the eco-friendly song and dance, one way the salesmen get people to sign up is the promise of rebates. But after the panels are installed, those rebates never materialize and the companies ignore attempts to contact them.
Just like any sale, you should be wary anytime a salesman contacts you first, rather than the other way around. And just like any contractor, you should make sure they’re licensed, check their complaints, and get references. And shop around by getting at least three quotes.
Lastly, remember that if your electrical bill are under $100 a month, while it’s nice to “go green,” you’re unlikely to ever recoup enough in lower electricity bills to justify the hefty up-front costs of installing solar panels.
How to avoid scams when going eco-friendly [KABC] (Thanks to Jon!)
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