Internet Surpasses Print As News Source; TV Still Leads

The most surprising thing about the Pew Project’s State of the News Media study findings isn’t that online news is more popular than print, it’s that it took so long for the perceived reality of the past several years to come to fruition. As a result, newsrooms have shed workers as well as readers, operating with 30 percent less manpower than they did in 2001.
Frighteningly, TV’s archaic model still reigns as king, although online news is gaining. Of internet news users, 47 percent are using mobile apps to stay up to date. Tablets are also fast on the rise, owned by 7 percent of Americans as of January — nearly double the amount in September.
How has the way you get your news changed over the last decade, year and few months?
The State of the News Media [Pew Project for Excellence in Media via Engadget]
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