So You Think You're A Filmmaker? Enter Consumers Union's New Video Contest
In an effort to both educate younger people about health care reform and engender the creative spirit in our readers, Consumers Union has announced its So You Think You’re Invincible? video contest.
See, because of recently enacted reforms, millions of people who would have been axed from their parents’ health care plans when they left school can now remain on those policies until age 26.
“This new rule gives some much-needed relief for recent graduates who can’t find a job with health coverage, or those young adults who have lost their insurance due to the difficult job market,” explains Consumers Union in a statement.
Problem is, a lot of younger Americans don’t know or don’t care about the importance of having health insurance, often because they’re convinced nothing bad could ever happen to them.
That’s why Consumers Union is sponsoring the So You Think You’re Invincible? contest. The winning gets $1,000 and their video featured on

The contest challenges participants to show the world why it’s a good idea to have the option of staying on their parents’ coverage longer, especially for those who think they’re bulletproof. Entrants can submit their 3-minute videos and read the official rules at the contest’s website.
The contest submissions end October 23, 2010. Your masterpiece could be the one that will inform the rest of the nation’s youth about this important new health reform benefit. CU will announce the winner on Nov. 1.
To help get the ball rolling, Consumers Union slapped together this informative example:
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