Time Warner Cable Keeps Making My Favorite Channels Digital Exclusives

Don is one of the old-school holdouts who refuses to upgrade to digital cable, and says Time Warner Cable is making him suffer for the choice. The provider took BBC America off his programming level and moved it to a digital tier.
He writes:
We here in Nebraska just received word that we have lost BBC America from our cable channel lineup as it is being moved to Time Warner’s “Digital Tier” channel 223. What this means is that in order to watch BBCA we have to rent a digital cable box for each of our televisions (four at the moment) at $7.50 per month each. These boxes do not include HD or DVR, as those types are much more expensive to rent. Time Warner’s customer service had no explanation, and are truly sorry for our inconvenience. There is no new channel taking BBCA’s place – it will now be home so the SyFy Wrestling Network (SWN) which we already had before.
Otherwise, they just moved the TV Guide channel around and stopped broadcasting it on two different basic-tier channels at once.
If you’re sticking with non-digital cable, which channels do you miss the most? If you’ve made the move, what was your breaking point that forced you to upgrade?
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