San Francisco Considers Ban On Almost All Pet Sales

A few months ago, in an effort to not contribute to the puppy mills and kitty factories of the world, San Francisco began mulling over the possibility of forbidden canine and feline sales within city limits. But, as happens when the discussion turns to the critters of the world, that ban has now grown to include just about everything you would ever want to even consider having as a pet.
While some towns, like West Hollywood, Austin and El Paso, have recently passed similar restrictions on cat and dog sales, no municipality has come anywhere near the depth and breadth of San Francisco’s proposed ban.
In additon to cats and dogs, other animals under consideration for the ban include birds because of “their sensitivity and inappropriateness as pets,” hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas and guinea pigs. The city already has a ban in place on the sale of rabbits.
While there is only one pet store in the city that sells cats and dogs, there are several more that sell birds, mice, hamsters and the like. Suffice it to say they are displeased with the proposal.
Explains one store owner:
If I don’t have a bird to sell, I don’t sell a cage. I don’t sell bird toys. I don’t sell seed. But it’s about freedom of choice. If someone wants a bird, they’ll go to Berkeley. This will solve none of the problems the commission sees.
Oddly enough, those opposing the ban have an unlikely ally in the president of the Humane Society, who says that such a broad-spectrum ban only hurts the original goal of the ban: “I think you attract a set of additional opponents that sink an otherwise achievable goal.”
Fur and feathers fly as San Francisco weighs ban on pet sales [L.A. Times]
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