Analyst Predicts Verizon Will Break AT&T's iPhone Monopoly In June

(Ninja M.)
Canaccord Adams analyst Peter Misek roused the hopes of Verizonites everywhere by predicting Apple will sic its upcoming iPhone 4G on the cell phone company’s customers come June, Tech Trader Daily reports.
From the post:
Misek thinks Apple’s supply chain is already prepping for mass production of a new iPhone to ship late in the calendar second quarter, operating on the Verizon network on the CDMA network, but with support as well for the European GSM and HSPA standards. He says and updated 4G phone – he calls it the 4G S – with LTE support will follow in June 2011. Misek says he has no info on pricing for the new phone.
So, Verizon types awaiting your upgrade dates, will you go Droid or iPhone if the prognostication comes to pass?
Apple: Verizon To Get iPhone 4G In June, Canaccord Says [Tech Trader Daily]
(Thanks, Martha!)
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