Watch Out For Undisclosed Resort Fees When Using Sites Like Priceline

Travel consumer advocate Christopher Elliott has a new post about an undisclosed $15/day “resort fee” that Trump International Hotel Las Vegas plans to tack onto a customer’s bill. The surprise is that the customer reserved the room through Priceline, and thought when he made the reservation that Priceline was telling him the final room rate.
The customer thinks Priceline should list such fees on its site in advance, so customers can know the true daily rate. Priceline counters that its Terms and Conditions clearly state there may be undisclosed fees like that. But how can you rely on Priceline if it won’t disclose the real room rate?
Even worse, Elliott points out that the deal they offered was actually higher than the hotel’s base rate right now.
“Vegas hotel + opaque site + resort fee = T-R-O-U-B-L-E” []
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