Will Best Buy Accept A Gift Certificate That's 12 Years Old?
Jon writes:
While digging through a box of old books, I came across a Best Buy Gift Certificate my brother had given me several Christmases ago. It’s for $40, and is dated 20-Dec-1996. I can’t say if I’ve even bought anything from BB since then, but I’m certain I haven’t thought about that gift certificate.
Illinois’ escheat laws don’t have anything specific to say about my $40. They do mention gift certificates in 765 ß 1025/10.6, but my situation isn’t discussed, as it has no expiration date. I believe this lack of expiration is a point in my favor, but Best Buy might not agree.
I’m going to try to redeem it Friday; Do you care to handicap my odds?
We really don’t know. What do you think?
Update: Here’s what happened.
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