Round 5: Exxon vs Crocs
Exxon Valdez crash spilled 11 million gallons of oil into Alaskan waters. Recently Exxon petitioned to have the $2.5 billion in punitive damages reduced because it thought they were excessive. Exxon was also sued in lawsuit claiming their Indonesian subsidiary allowed their facilities to be used by the Indonesian government to torture 11 villagers.
Crocs makes really stupid looking shoes that have unfortunately become faddish. They can also get stuck in escalators leading to a very scary time as you try to pry your child from the ceaselessly churning stairs of death. Several injuries have been reported.
This is a post in our Worst Company In America 2008 series. Keep track of all the goings on at
STILL OPEN FOR VOTING: Google Vs Sony, Ticketmaster vs Wachovia, Facebook vs The American Arbitration Association, Comcast vs Menu Foods
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