Starbucks Retraining Employees At 7,100 Stores Next Week

Next Tuesday, Starbucks will close 7,100 corporate-owned stores early to implement a company-wide retraining session on how to make drinks. “The barista re-education is a ‘renewed focus on espresso standards,’ say Starbucks honchos.” We thought that’s why they bought the robot espresso machines—so they didn’t have to have trained coffee pullers anymore.

The training session is another move by re-instated CEO Howard Schultz to demonstrate a renewed focus on product quality, although it also sounds a little bit like a PR stunt:

“Our unprecedented level of commitment to and investment in our people will provide them with the tools and resources they need to exceed the expectations of our customers,” CEO Howard Schultz said in a written release. “We believe that this is a bold demonstration of our commitment to our core and a reaffirmation of our coffee leadership.”

(Thanks to Adam!)

“Starbucks closing 7,000-plus stores–for several hours — to retrain baristas” [Chicago Tribune]
“Starbucks stores to close for espresso training” [Wall Street Journal]

“Starbucks: Say Good-Bye To Breakfast Sandwiches, Hello To $1 Coffee”
(Photo: Travelin’ Librarian)

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