Emailing Bill Gates Results In New XBOX

Jon writes:

I was one of the first to get an Xbox 360 when they came out, paying way more than I should have. I had problems with the console right out of the box and after weeks of haggling with their normal customer service department, I was contacted by their escalation department. Within a week, my problems were solved and they sent me a bunch of free stuff (games & controllers). Fast forward two years, and I’m having the same problem. I emailed both Bill Gates and Kathleen Hogan(Corporate Vice President, Worldwide Customer Service, Support and Customer and Partner Experience) yesterday…

I was contacted within twenty-four hours from the escalation department and a new console is on its way.

In doing a little bit of research, I figured out the email addresses for both and am providing them for your loyal readers. The link I am including will also provide the entire corporate teams names and titles.

Microsoft Executives and Images

Awesome opossum. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again and again, there’s nothing like taking it to the top to get things done. Crap rolls down hill, so, to borrow from introductory physics, the higher on the hill you start, the more potential energy it has coming done. That transfers into kinetic energy and smashes through inept and uncaring customer service minions and gives you new XBOX. Win.

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