1(877)FLYERS6 – Stranded Holiday Traveler Help Line

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If you're stranded or heavily delayed at the airport this holiday season, you may want to have 1(877)FLYERS6 saved in your cellphone contacts. That's a special free flyer hotline set up by the Coalition for an Airline Passengers' Bill of Rights. They offer a variety of services, like emailing your family or business associates and let them know where you are, offering real-time weather and flight status information, and let you know about hotel or rental options, as well as help you deal with refund situations. If you're stuck on the tarmac and not being let off the plane, they will pass the info on and try to get media out to the airport.

If you’re stranded or heavily delayed at the airport this holiday season, you may want to have 1(877)FLYERS6 saved in your cellphone contacts. That’s a special free flyer hotline set up by the Coalition for an Airline Passengers’ Bill of Rights. They offer a variety of services, like emailing your family or business associates and let them know where you are, offering real-time weather and flight status information, and let you know about hotel or rental options, as well as help you deal with refund situations. If you’re stuck on the tarmac and not being let off the plane, they will pass the info on and try to get media out to the airport.

Who’s Been Naughty and Nice With the Airlines [Coalition for an Airline Passengers’ Bill of Rights via Rick Seaney]

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