"VersaDebt" Telemarketers Behind Rate-Lowering Robot Calls?
The company behind “Possible Credit Card Scam Alert: We’ll Lower Your Rates, Purrs Robot Message…” is called VersaDebt, according to one reader who was able to string them along long enough to find out.
Consumer reports on various scam-watch sites allege that what VersaDebt does is charge you $900 to call up your credit card company and negotiate a lower interest rate, but never even delivers on this specious-sounding promise.
A poster on Rip-Off Report said the company never responded to any calls and kept disputing her credit card chargeback. Some internet users say VersaDebt is behind a telemarketing phone number (954-689-7681) complained about on 800 Notes. This number is also mentioned on whocalled.us as using auto-dialers to pitch extended car warranty coverage. They also say VersaDebt has gone through several location and name changes, being alternately known as “Debt First.”
VersaDebt’s website looks thrown together, and one of its pages is broken. Doing a WHOIS on VersaDebt shows it was registered by a Burt O’Donald of Miami Florida, President of “Innovative Business Marketing, Inc.” Perusing his site showed “IBM” was involved in of exciting business opportunities, like selling online pharmacy merchant storefronts, and offshore power generation.
Remember, when a robot calls, no matter how tempting his offer sounds, hang up. These robots are no friends to the human.
PREVIOUSLY: Possible Credit Card Scam Alert: We’ll Lower Your Rates, Purrs Robot Message…
(Photo: Table Of Malcontents)
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