Fruit Fly Infestation Shuts Down Macy's Food Court
Health inspectors found over 200 fruit flies infesting the lower level food court of the Macy’s State Street store in Chicago. Inspectors first discovered the infestation last week after a disgusted customer complained to 311. Food court employees apparently were not bothered by either the fruit flies or the health inspectors. From the Chicago Tribune:
“Not only did they not do anything, the problems seemed to get worse,” [Tim Hadac, spokesman for the Chicago Department of Public Health] said. “It was a surprising and disappointing lack of adherence to basic food safety regulation… We stopped counting fruit flies when they hit 200.”
The inspectors also found:
The food court and an adjoining Starbucks will remain closed until Macy’s figures out how to kill the fruit flies. A cleaning service has been hired to help. The food court is expected to reopen later today.
City closes Macy’s food court [Chicago Tribune]
(Photo: cmorran123)
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