Cancel Sprint Without Early Termination Fee Over Roaming Rate Change
A new 19 cent Sprint roaming rate increase means customers can cancel contract without early termination fee, as long as they meet these conditions:
1. Your plan must not include roaming.
2. You must call within 30 days of the rate change.
3. You must specifically cite the roaming rate change being a material adverse change of contract as the reason for cancellation.
4. You must not pay your bill that reflects the new rates until AFTER requesting cancellation
5. If they offer you a grandfathered roaming rate or free roaming attached to your plan, you must refuse.
6. If the rep is poorly trained and wants to hot-potato you to a supervsor rather than transfer you to account services, you must insist that you want to cancel service despite any potential fees so the rep gets you to the group that actually knows the correct procedures.
If arguing isn’t your thing, you could always figure out a way to spend 50%+ of your minutes while roaming…
We have vetted this information with a well-placed Sprint insider. — BEN POPKEN
(Thanks to Ben!)
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