Moving On The Cheap
Hey! It’s moving season! College students moving to and fro, people changing apartments, moving, moving, moving. Curbly has some tips for saving money when you move. Some we like:
• If you don’t want it, don’t move it. Give away or throw away anything you don’t really want or need. The planning stages of moving is the best time to start getting rid of stuff. Give things away on Freecycle, or give things to the Salvation Army. (We would add: Or have a moving sale. If you do donate things to charity, make sure they’re in good condition and document them for tax purposes.)
• The very best free boxes: boxes liquor is shipped in. Go to your local liquor store or restaurant with a bar area and ask them if they will give you boxes. Sometimes you can catch them before the store breaks them down for recycling and you don’t even have to tape them back together. These boxes are usually the perfect size for heavy items like books and glassware. They’re also stronger than other types of boxes, usually.
There are more tips at Curbly, but they’re all pretty basic. Let’s hear what the Consumerists have to say. What are your tips for a quick, cheap move. Our tip? Don’t use U-haul. Sell your children first.
Incidentally, “The Potentate Of Totin’ Freight,” is officially the best slogan ever. —MEGHANN MARCO
Moving on the cheap: a primer [Curbly]
(Photo:Beige Alert)
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