Recalled Pet Food Still On Walmart Shelves
Over a week since a national pet food recall involving over 80 name brands, recalled pet food can still be found on Walmart shelves. The pet food has been linked to several pet deaths, and can cause kidney failure. From WKYC:
We found over three shelves full of Ol’ Roy, one of the recalled brands.
Only three varieties of Ol’ Roy have been recalled, and with so many varieties, this can be confusing for customers.
A WalMart spokesperson told us their stores are carefully handling the recall, and also issued a statement.
The company reassures “As an additional precautionary measure, we have also put a sales restriction on the products in question so that, should one inadvertently be scanned, a restriction notice will come up for the cashier.”
For a list of the recalled brands, click here. Do not assume that food left on store shelves is safe. —MEGHANN MARCO
Recalled Pet Food Still On Store Shelves [WKYC]
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