We Have A Quiznos University Training Kit
Hurrah, our Quiznos University Training Kit arrived. Reader Chris H. found the box abandoned in the office where he works and after Quiznos shut down his eBay auction, he thought we could have some fun with it.
How could we not? It’s got manuals, laminated posters, videos, buttons, a stopwatch, and more! (Click pic to enlarge).
Now all we need to do is pay a $25,000 licensing fee, hire some staff, buy all our supplies from company mandated vendors, and we’re on our way to the American Dream on a toasted bun.
We’ll be going through the materials and seeing if there’s anything interesting or noteworthy, like if even the managers have access to Quiznos super-secret nutritional info.
Let’s hope we don’t shoot ourselves in the chest three times like Bhupinder Baber, who claimed in his suicide note that owning a a Quiznos franchise ruined his life.
We particularly enjoy that Quiznos included the book, “The E Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What To Do About It.” — BEN POPKEN
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