Debt Collector Verbally Abuses Disabled Elder
P. writes:
I worked for Citibank for 29 years, I became disabled and was put on LTD [long term disability]. …MetLife cancelled my coverage, I applied for my pension and am being jerked around by CitiGroup. Meanwhile, my Citicard is delinquent. The collector, whom I speak to every 4 days has become mocking. I told her I will pay when they begin paying me. She said I was a mean, old disabled person. I was not a man because I am not paying, she know about my disabilities and said that since my legs don’t work, maybe my ears don’t work also.
She then said, I’ll call you in 4 days, good luck with trying to walk and hung up.
This sweetheart is Ashley Brown.
Check out this site so you know your rights. You may also want to check out these posts of ours.
A collector is not allowed to keep calling you simply to collect. If you tell themwrite them a letter to tell them to stop calling you, and they don’t, you can sue. Let Ashley know this is your intention. Debt collectors like to prey on those unaware of the Fair Debt Collections Practice act. — BEN POPKEN
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