What A Credit Card’s First Digit Means Image courtesy of
You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shoes, and likewise, by looking at their credit card's first digit. This represents the Major Industry Identifier, which is to say, the type of institution that issued the card. Here's the breakdown.
You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shoes, and likewise, by looking at their credit card’s first digit. This represents the Major Industry Identifier, which is to say, the type of institution that issued the card. Here’s the breakdown.
1,2: Airlines
3: Travel/Entertainment
4,5: Banking/Financial
6: Merchandising/Financial
7: Petroleum
8: Telecommunications
0,9: Other
Whip yours out and see for yourself. — BEN POPKEN
50 Fun Facts About Credit Cards [Blueprint For Financial Prosperity]
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