Man Sues Dell And Wins… By Serving Court Papers To The Mall Kiosk

A NJ man successfully sued Dell in small claims court using a unique approach. He had the court papers delivered to a Dell kiosk in the local mall.
When Dell failed to show in court, Pat Dori, of Hackensack won $3000 by default. A ruling allowed court employees to close the kiosk and confiscate equipment if the judgment was not paid.
Dell settled out-of-court with Mr. Dori under an undisclosed arrangement.
The victory came after five-months and 19 phone calls to Dell after Dori’s laptop fan broke. When he turned it in for repairs, Dell lost his laptop and returned just his hard drive. To compensate, Dell offered a refurbished laptop without an extended warranty.
“My big issue was, they never wanted to talk to me, never wanted to hear me,” said Dori. “The little guy found a way to hit them in the head with a rock. You get their money, you get their attention. God only knows how much their legal team cost them.”
NJ Man’s Lawsuit Against Dell Settled [1010 Wins] (Thanks to Stefan!)
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