What To Do When Energy Company Impersonators Come Knocking
Reader Mikki spotted one of the IDT Energy folks trolling for customers, pretending to work for ConEd, in Williamsburg.
- “On my block they were buzzing people and saying “We are from the electric company there is a problem with your bill.” Sounds legit and scary so some ppl will let them in. I was like, no thanks! and they buzzed me 4 more times. Then one of my idiot neighbors let them in and they rang my doorbell with the same scam. A little while later I was outside and noticed they were entering buildings by sneaking in after someone used a key or got buzzed in. Seriously shady.”
When IDT comes a knocking:
1. Turn them away. Don’t let them in your building. Treat them like they are homeless intrudes, or better yet, pestilential lepers.
2. Call 311 and report the incident. — BEN POPKEN
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