Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price
If it were Monopoly, the card would say, “Bank Error Not In Your Favor.”
However, it’s not a game and an error on your credit report could cost you thousands of dollars in real money and take weeks to fix on your own.
But with the help of a “Rapid Rescoring Expert,” you can have errors corrected and be on your way to a life of happy indebtedness in 24-72 hours.
Unfortunately, to get access to a local credit bureau offering rescoring services, you’ll need to gather the written documentation of the error and go through a mortgage broker or lender.
Consumer reporter Elisabeth Leamy says rapid rescoring is, “a fairly new process, so you may have to educate your mortgage broker about it.”
Hopefully some day these companies will be so kind as to offer their services directly to the consumers whose lives are impacted by the mistakes in the reports these companies invented
Fixing Your Credit Score Can Be a Cinch [ABC via Consumer World Blog]
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