Power Stopped Over One Cent
Sometimes a penny can cost a lot.
A Flint, Michigan resident got her power shut off for seven hours because her payment on her bill of $1,662.08 was short one Abraham Lincoln.
Jacqueline Williams, 41, a receiver of Social Security, got the state Department of Human Services to chip in $800.75. The Salvation Army gave her $430.67, which her energy supplier matched for $430.66: one penny away from solvency.
“A Consumers Energy spokesman said that the utility had no choice in the matter, though he was not aware of any similar incidents where service was stopped for one cent,” reports the AP.
Williams said she doesn’t want to get into the same mess again. “I’m praying to God I stay on top of my bills,” she said.
Maybe next time she’s down on her knees she’ll find a shiny penny. Will she pick it up? Or will the state have to do it for her?
(Thanks to Brandon!)
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