The Most Beautiful Stories Ever Told (This Week) Image courtesy of
Your favoritisest posts we ran these first five days of May, now in convenient pill form.
Your favoritisest posts we ran these first five days of May, now in convenient pill form.
- The Oozinator Delights Children. Video of a squirt gun shooting sticky globs over delighted children, from Hasbro!
- Buying a Car and Getting Away With It. M thinks she got a car dealership to live up to its promised bargain. We think she narrowly evaded a scam. You say tomato, we say potato.
- Our Threadless Tshirts Arrive. Chagrined never looked so good.
- Barclays/PriceRite, Devious Camera Mongers, Strike Again. These guys are willing to work overtime to be total scammy assfaces.
- Enterprise’s Cheat Sheet For Snookering You Into Car Insurance.
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